Search results

  1. sundae22

    Looking for server photos!

    Hello! I'm organizing a photography contest to get some nice pictures of the server. They may be used on various server pages (with credit to you, of course). Hopefully, these pictures will give people a better idea of what McCities is. Some potential ideas City - Cayman skyscrapers...
  2. sundae22

    3-Year Anniversary

    Today's my 3-year anniversary on the server! I tell this story all the time but only because I just think it's funny, I don't know. I was watching Breaking Bad with the family, then was like "hmm I wanna make drugs." I searched for minecraft drug servers fully intending to become the ultimate...
  3. sundae22

    Buying Buying any property on Bunny Island!

    Hi, I'm looking to buy any plot on Bunny Island. Contact me if you want to sell yours! I have some money and am willing to make a fair offer. Common property names include bludhouse, bludsky, and bunnyears, but feel free to ask if your place is on the island. Thanks in advance!
  4. sundae22

    Bunny Island Update #5

    Hi, it's been about eight months since the last update post (most updates were happening on the discord and website). For everyone who participated in the Bunny Island Suggestions Poll, thank you! We took your advice and have already completed several of the things mentioned in the poll. Many...
  5. sundae22

    Request an Arch Format

    Please include all the information you can about the project. If you want to hire a specific architect, please contact them in-game, on the forums, or on discord instead of making a request. Architects will read the requests and decide if they want to take the project or not, and then contact...
  6. sundae22

    One year as staff?!?

    Hey everyone, today's my one year anniversary as staff on the server! I was promoted to Helper on July 27, 2017. I'm grateful that I was given the opportunity to become staff, and am happy that I'm doing a decent enough job to stick around for a year. Jr. Admin is definitely the most fun role...
  7. sundae22

    Case Closed Court case for AlonH

    I'm making this for AlonH :) 1. @KinkyKangaroo 2. They stole cobblestone, enchanted books, and obsidian from my chests. 3. Chest logs below
  8. sundae22

    Resolved SF Machines

    Making for someone Username: BTLteamTNT What you were doing before this occurred: Trying to use machines What you've lost (Only if you lost something) or what happened: Auto crafting chamber 2 auto enchanters w/Items in them :C level 3 electric cruclble level 3 electric dust washer level 3...
  9. sundae22

    Case Closed Suing joseph28768

    1. I am accusing @Joseph28768. 2. He stole iron ingots, gold ingots, and coal from my furnaces in bfactory9. 3. I'm asking for 1,536 iron ingots, 512 gold ingots, and 256 pieces of coal, or whatever monetary equivalence there is. $76,800 (for iron ingots), $51,200 (for gold...
  10. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 Creative plot: /plot home sundae22, house at the coordinates -111 65 -2115 To city plot: sre1, owned by Magic_Terminator (@Isolation) I only did the interior, thank you!
  11. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 Creative plot: /plot home sundae22 6, building at the coordinates 528 67 -2119 Please transfer the build to bunny, coordinates 371 63 -3437. I only did the interior in creative. Thanks!
  12. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 Creative plot: /plot home sundae22 6, house at coordinates 482 67 -2114 To city plot: a-frame3, owned by @Shadow_stalker77 I only did the interior & landscaping for the home, thank you!
  13. sundae22

    Regioning Requests

    Username: sundae22 Please region the plot at 464 73 -3261 on bunny island, name it bludsky-8 Username: sundae22 Please region the plot at 492 73 -3261 on bunny island, name it bludsky-9 You can set me as the owner of the plots, thanks!
  14. sundae22

    Regioning Request

    Username: sundae22 Please region the grocery store on bunny island at 300 69 -3333 and name it 'bunnystore.' Thanks!
  15. sundae22

    Bunny Island Ideas Poll

    @Shadow_stalker77 and I are curious about what the general population of McCities would like to see on Bunny Island. Check all of the things that you'd like to have added to the island, and feel free to comment ideas, constructive criticism, or support. If you're not sure of what Bunny Island...
  16. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 Creative plot: My sixth plot at the coordinates 477 67 -2076 To city plot: a-frame2 (owned by Shadow_stalker77), I only did the interior. I'll pay the transfer costs, thanks!
  17. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 Creative plot: My sixth at the coordinates 516 67 -2103 To city plot: a-frame1 (owned by Shadow_stalker77), I only did the interior. I'll pay the transfer costs :)
  18. sundae22

    Transfer Request

    Username: sundae22 Creative plot: My sixth plot at the coordinates 555 65 -2028 To city plot: JB-Mansion2, I did the interior only
  19. sundae22

    Region Reports

    Region name: city-plot4 Owner of region: FireDemon94 Region name: h137 Owner of region: fatrooster Region name: h138 Owner of region: 2704Patrick Region name: bludhouse-1 Owner of region: BadDizzyDash Region name: bludhouse-2 Owner of region: RothC Region name: h450 Owner of region...