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  1. Tricoh


    it's been a couple years since i played hi I'm meg, I'm 17 and I like plants :alien:
  2. Tricoh


    I'm going to the Bahamas on 8/8 and coming back around Sunday/Monday i'll probably be posting pictures in this thread :') [just wanted to post this today so I don't forget tomorrow]
  3. Tricoh

    ♡2 Years♡

    No clue how to start this post. Hi. It's been two years since I have started here on mccities. I'm a bit late on this, actually. I have many good memories and solid friends I wish to never lose, and it happened because of this server. I just wanted to make this post to remind certain people...
  4. Tricoh

    Gone for a while.

    Personal reasons-- meg#0078 is my discord. Bye for a bit.
  5. Tricoh

    Scroll Remover

    yes this is yet another post about the scroll remover self explanatory, it should be added but it is sorta OP so just wanted to post this so it would be a refresher to people's minds
  6. Tricoh

    School Dance [Photos]

    First picture was the best but ;')
  7. Tricoh


    we should add this to flex on people, so we don't have to put all of our bank money in our balance to flex :^) Idk (no John intended) credits to Dani for the idea :>
  8. Tricoh

    Accepted Unroastable's Teacher Application

    What is your Minecraft username (ign)? Unroastable 2. What subjects do you want to teach? (list 2 - 3 subjects that aren't taken) Basically Minecraft PVP and Mythics. (OofPapi and I will be teaching both if possible) 3. What are you rank on the server? (Citizen, Millionaire, Police, etc.)...
  9. Tricoh


    Well, it would be nice to have a ./warp arena so players can hold battles-- It'd be a fun event to attend to and it's very entertaining to watch (in my opinion at least). Possibly every month we can hold a series of battles, where a certain amount of contesters would sign up to be apart of the...
  10. Tricoh

    Hiding your name

    So this is pretty self explanatory and we did have it once before I believe, this will allow you to hide your name. Hiding your name was really useful to me for hunting people and such, because you don't have to shift to make your name unable to see. This could be used for bank robbing...
  11. Tricoh

    [!] Halloween [!]

    Alright! This is a quick post, we are filling out the roles for our mini-costume event tomorrow-- We will be dressing up as SpongeBob characters, and we have many remaining people on the list to fill! Message me on discord to get the invite, and if possible (if we're missing any of your favorite...
  12. Tricoh


    I have been fighting ever since I could remember. Pvp was my motivation in Minecraft, and it still is. I remember the good old days, 1.7.. I've always thought of myself as a really good fighter, but lately I've been lacking. I used to play on pvp servers all the time, and I was proud of myself...
  13. Tricoh

    Repair Token Bug

    Username: Tricoh What you were doing before this occurred: Fighting in the bank. What you've lost (Only if you lost something): My bow, power V, infinity, and other enchantments. The top picture was old, but that was my bow. I stopped my fighting to repair my armor with the repair token, and I...
  14. Tricoh

    Can't Name Items

    I tried naming my axe (As shown above) and it just resets and says 'Diamond Axe, Iron Sword, etc.' I can't really name any weapon and I'm not sure why. If you can fix this, that'd be great. Thank you ;^)
  15. Tricoh

    doggos pt 2 you're welcome appreciate dogs they're so precious Well, not just dogs. All animals. <3
  16. Tricoh


    Not too sure if this is a bug or not, if the staff are trying to fix it or make it better somehow.. But recently the hitmen are not able to use ./track, and it's difficult to 'hunt people' down. You can use the command ./track, but your balance will remain the same and nothing will pop on your...
  17. Tricoh

    Completed Transfer Request

    Code: -27;-9 Username: Rykoh Creative plot: 1 City plot you want the build moved to: Replace the underdasea-14 plot with the house I built. Thank you.
  18. Tricoh

    Hurricane Irma - Story

    - Irma - I woke up with the sound of rain banging on the shutters. It was pitch black. Only rare amounts of light showed through the windows. I go to the kitchen and immediately look outside, and my mango tree fell. It was against the screen. A huge gust of wind blew onto my screening outside...
  19. Tricoh

    Face Reveal

    time to become relevant here is a picture of me, couple months ago sorry the lighting was terrible
  20. Tricoh

    The One Day Challenge

    10 things about myself that you don't care about but reading it anyways: 1. I spend most of my time scrolling through Deviantart. 2. I've seen skeppy before, and took a picture with Technoblade. (I didn't take a pic with skeppy and jif is better cough) 3. I like Halsey, Gnash, Blackbear, and...