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  1. Oviia { Rachel }

    school stuff i guess

    so this week was my first week back at my cut-throat school. I may have about 2 hours of homework a night, plus practicing my oboe which is about another hour, and I go to bed at nine, when I get home from school around five. I also have to study for tests and quizzes and that fun stuff, so my...
  2. Oviia { Rachel }

    hallo, this is late xD

    heyo, i'm rachel andd yeah. i like cats, anime, gorillaz, and jacksfilms. k bye <3
  3. Oviia { Rachel }

    Case Closed Shakaar12 broke my plane ;~;

    1. Who are you accusing? Shakaar12 2. What are your claims/accusations? Shakaar12 broke my plane at bank while i was trying to fly away. He also broke my heli before this, and refused to pay money for the damage. 3. Any additional proof you can provide us? Yes, I videotaped it just incase if he...
  4. Oviia { Rachel }

    Case Closed Unknown House Sale

    My friend Lolobeany is married to a guy named sgt_mason9. I happily lived with them and helped them out with stuff, and Lolobeany said sgt_mason9 were on a "payment plan" with their friend and that everything was worked out, so I paid no attention to that until tonight. I logged on, my stuff was...