
  1. xXAtomic_SushiXx

    Farewell! <3

    So, I've been thinking about this and I think it is time for me to say farewell. My leaving doesn't mean I'm gonna completely not go on McCities, but it just means that I'm not gonna be on McCities a lot anymore. I'll occasionally go on and you can chat with me there, but if you have my discord...
  2. Bleach


    Hello everyone! As many of you know, i recently came back to the server after a few months of inactivity. Sadly, I've gotten pretty bored of this game and can't remain active for many reasons (including homework). Due to this, I've decided to leave after a few days of thinking this through. I'll...
  3. KumaBear

    an explanation on why I quit

    Many people have noticed that Ciel and Kate decided to quit .. and many don't know that I quit.... i was banned for ban evasion.... and i did a thank you letter as a ban appeal and had an over dramatic argument with the person that reported me ......... i was soon after denied and I had a...
  4. CreeperGamer

    Good-bye for real!

    Hey guys! I know I said I was leaving multiple times before but this time I'm dead serious. I'm gonna become a YouTuber, I know what your thinking "Mark said he was going to do it before and came back. I don't think he means it. In few days he'll be back on the server." No I won't be. I'll be...
  5. mrsenorjr

    Quitting ~Lowkey_Jr

    Hello, My name is Lowkey_Jr or (Alex). I have recently been perm banned. Luckily i was unbanned by Kiri, which thank you kiri for giving me a second chance! Anyways I have decided to quit McCities... I have lost everything my plots, money... you know. I did the wrong thing, i understand the...
  6. mrsenorjr

    Won't be active for a while.

    Hey guys, my names Alex, my ign is Lowkey_alex. I will be busy for a while and I won't be on, I don't know when I will be back, but hopefully soon! I'm going to miss you all, and as always stay chill. -Alex