
  1. ElfieStar2005


    Hi, I like ASDF Movie (Ass-duff-move-ee) by TomSka and my favourite Youtubers are Pewdiepie, Jacksepticeye, Mumbo Jumbo and also MrCrainer. In real life, my friends are Mystic480, a guy called Jake and a dude called Filip (I call him 'Young Fliplstein')... Actually no, Jakey is mean!
  2. Bleach

    Accepted Mystic480's Teacher Application

    What is your rank on the server? Citizen What is your /ar check time? 3 days and 8 hours How often can you play on the server? Everyday whenever i can Why do you want to become a teacher? Because i want to help the young students learn new things and allow them to have a joyful experience in...
  3. Bleach

    Sueing soccerfan175

    Who are you accusing: soccerfan175 what are your claims/ accusations?: she told me that she wants to friendly fight and that i cant kill her but she can kill me so she can get levels, so i accepted and she killed THEN proceeded to say i tp killed and that i wont give her money and stuff back...