Denied 18x16 teacher app :D


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
McCities fun amazing server
My ign is 18x16
The subject i want to teach is: P.E. i would do running around the gym, i would do this like an irl gym class, I would also be willing to do things students suggest with a vote for some of the options they pick with the majority that say something like "me" or "count me in" etc would be the activity for the class, i would only take about 1-1 and a half mins for the vote when i do student activity suggestion days. I will also come up with my own activities each week/when ever there is school if its not once a week for school.
My rank is: Citizen
I would give them 2 verbal warnings,then if they continue to misbehave i will ask them to go out into the hallway for 1-2 minutes, and if that same behavior keeps happening i will send them to the principals office. but if they have drugs and/or guns in sight in their hand and/or off-hand i will send them to the office after 1 verbal warning is said if they don't listen to directions after the verbal warning
Yes i have a discord account my discord is @18x16#9677
My Timezone is Eastern Standard Time
The reason why i want to become a teacher is because I love to impliment physical activities from irl gym class in mccities school. There will be things i have for creativity, fun things, and active parts of class which is what i like to encourage everyone to do irl and in game. Because staying active is good for your health and body irl and shouldn't just be active irl, but also in gym class on mccities in different active ways.
I definitely agree to be a good role model!


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
Great application! However, Your behavior isn't the best. As a teacher, I like to see people mature and not goofing off. It shows us that you're not ready and may or may not focus on School.

Application Denied