Denied _Ender09_'s Arch App (3 lol)

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Active Member
Oct 30, 2016
Somewhere in England ;3
Your current in game name: _Ender09_

Do you have Skype? (Yes or no only; we have an arch chat to discuss projects and builds as a team): Yes enderslayer909

Which of your creative plots would you like to submit? (Example, you have 5 plots but you think your 3rd is the best. You get there with /plot home:3): my number 6 (specifically the big mansion at the back)

Do you prefer interior or exterior design?: Exterior but i can do both

How much time do you tend to build each week?: depends honestly, if one of my friends wants me to build something i will do if not i dont build too much.

Tell us about your favorite building memory: Probably the mansion at the back of plot 6, it was a build i was meaning to do for ages but lost access to the plot, i then regained access to it and finished to build for ciel, not sure if he ever had it pasted though :/
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Reactions: Powerfull
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