A rational, simple suggestion for fixing the bail system.


Well-Known Member
People say a picture tells a thousand words, so I have made an infographic to show just how ridiculously flawed our current bail system is.

Now first, I know I have said in the past that our bail system is like bribery, and I stand by that. The main issue that I had with the bail system was that the money was paid directly to the officers, which I felt resembled corruption, a type prominent in countries such as Mexico. Now, however, I see that the bail system encourages police to jail criminals, because the better they do their job, the more they get paid. This motivates them and should work fine, except for the itsy-bitsy little fact that it actually doesn't. Unless the arrest is for illegal guns or drugs, the bail is minuscule. Bails above $2,500 are rarely paid. Officers don't run all over the place chasing criminals because it doesn't yield any significant income. Worse, criminals can just pay a tiny bail or just wait 5 minutes and be released.
@Jabu suggested that the bail price/jail time is increased, and I agree. Therefore I have devised some new bails and jail times. What I am thinking is that the plugin would allow the officer to set the jail time, so I will list the new bail and jail time for murder (By far the most common crime and what I think needs the biggest changes made)

1-5 kills: $1750, 8 minutes
6-10 kills: $3250, 12 minutes
11-15 kills: $4250, 16 minutes
16-20 kills: $5450, 20 minutes
21-25 kills $7500, 26 minutes
26+ kills: $9250, 35 minutes

I know, I know, it's extreme. But let's be honest. If a person kills 26 other people, that's insane and needs to be punished. Think about it. 26 people amount to over half of the server online during peak hours. If someone butchers the equivalent of over half the server, they deserve to be indicted. I suppose another concern is that even though the higher bails will motivate police more, the bails won't be paid due to how large they are. Well, that's where the extra jail time comes in. Sure, $9250 is a lot, but it is NOTHING compared to being forced into a cell for 35 minutes real time, as during that 35 minutes one could earn close to $50000 with a could miner job. It would make murders less frequent, riskier, and would motivate police to react faster. Jail would turn from a brief inconvenience to a serious threat; the way the system should work.


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Apr 19, 2017
Bail prices will be raised an extreme amount based on the suggestions.
I’m not sure if Kiri can up the bail time unless cops had another time command. But most people don’t wait the five minutes, so what I can do is raise the bail prices a large amount and expand it. So there will be prices from 26 - 30, 31 - 35, etc..

If we could up the jail time, that would be great as well..


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
But I think a cop should then also be able to free if you were jailed and it was a friendly fight. (With rep and all) if the fight is confirmed after jailing. Otherwise friendly pvpers will cry out loud everytime they get falsely jailed


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
But I think a cop should then also be able to free if you were jailed and it was a friendly fight. (With rep and all) if the fight is confirmed after jailing. Otherwise friendly pvpers will cry out loud everytime they get falsely jailed
Eh no, were sort of wasting time trying to catch and find their location, I don’t think its fair if its only said after even if their is confirmation. Because the rule was decided upon you need to inform us beforehand, which isnt that hard. If we did, anyone even if it wasnt friendly can easily say it was friendly after we jailed, for example i jail person A for killing person B, then person A says its friendly to try to get out, then person A could easily bribe person B or other means to get him to say its friendly to let him out. There is honestly so much loopholes to this
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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
Eh no, were sort of wasting time trying to catch and find their location, I don’t think its fair if its only said after even if their is confirmation. Because the rule was decided upon you need to inform us beforehand, which isnt that hard. If we did, anyone even if it wasnt friendly can easily say it was friendly after we jailed, for example i jail person A for killing person B, then person A says its friendly to try to get out, then person A could easily bribe person B or other means to get him to say its friendly to let him out. There is honestly so much loopholes to this
1. The good in humans?
2. If I get killed me not syaing its friendly
3. This is for the cases where you pvp with 2 spoopy sticks in front if bank and get jailed. Not fully pvp and stuff

And this is only cuz cops sometimes dont read chat or think spoopy stick pvp is a real assault instead of friendly pvp
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Active Member
May 4, 2018
@Cozmicraft Omg I love the effort. Normally I would disagree with stuff like this, but your reasoning makes a lot of sense. Maybe 30 minutes is a bit toooo (that's the criminal me speaking) long but it should defidently be raided.
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Well-Known Member
@Cozmicraft Omg I love the effort. Normally I would disagree with stuff like this, but your reasoning makes a lot of sense. Maybe 30 minutes is a bit toooo (that's the criminal me speaking) long but it should defidently be raided.
Thank you! I'm actually not particularly used to making sense, most of the time I make some random comment about Leon Trotsky and everyone is like "What, was that supposed to be funny?"
Getting back on topic, though, I know that 35 minutes is harsh. But really, 26+ murders merits that. Assuming that you aren't a mass murderer, you won't be thrown in jail for 30 minutes. It would also discourage multiple killings, due to the extreme nature of the punishment. To be honest, a $9,250 bail isn't all too bad, as long as you happen to have 10k when you're arrested.
A @MehLife said, however, the issue with variable jail times lies in the capacity for the developers to make it. Of course, given enough work, it would be possible but is all of the extra work necessary, when there is a vastly simpler solution almost as good? (Upping both the bail prices and jail time, but keeping the jail time consistent).
Personally, this is not a matter of possibility but a matter of practicality. There are many good suggestions out there, with developers already bogged down with their duties. So ultimately, it is up to the staff to decide what changes are most urgently needed, and whether the time spent is worth it.
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