A reminder. <3


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2016
So, I was inspired to talk about this because of Uni's post

I want to talk about mental health.
I know, the age range of players on this server is from 9-19+, meaning, that everyone is most likely in school. With school, comes people, people lead to relationships and friendships, however, some people, are mean. Some people bring others down to benefit themselves. Some people like to tear people down, to build themselves up. It sucks. However, these people, are clearly struggling with something bigger, whether it be their family is going through some hard times, or, maybe they themselves are being torn down, heck maybe they are jealous of you! There are MANY reasons for why people are hurtful, cruel, and mean!

The reason I am writing this, is because when you may feel at your worst, or maybe like your not worth it, your not alone in that battle. You, you are worth it, you are amazing, no matter what anyone tells you! Although that 1 person is making you feel useless, you will ALWAYS, have me. You will always have your family. You will always have your friends. You, you are NOT alone.

I have been called horrible names, and guess what, it sucks. Frankly, I am thankful that at this point in my life, I don't let it affect me. It took some time, but I remember, that when I am done with my school life, I will NEVER see these awful people in my life again. One thing I want you to remember, is that you are LOVED, you are CHARISHED, you, you are worth everything.

I am always here to talk, if you ever need anything, whether it be advice, or a shoulder to lean on, I will always be here.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2017
So, I was inspired to talk about this because of Uni's post

I want to talk about mental health.
I know, the age range of players on this server is from 9-19+, meaning, that everyone is most likely in school. With school, comes people, people lead to relationships and friendships, however, some people, are mean. Some people bring others down to benefit themselves. Some people like to tear people down, to build themselves up. It sucks. However, these people, are clearly struggling with something bigger, whether it be their family is going through some hard times, or, maybe they themselves are being torn down, heck maybe they are jealous of you! There are MANY reasons for why people are hurtful, cruel, and mean!

The reason I am writing this, is because when you may feel at your worst, or maybe like your not worth it, your not alone in that battle. You, you are worth it, you are amazing, no matter what anyone tells you! Although that 1 person is making you feel useless, you will ALWAYS, have me. You will always have your family. You will always have your friends. You, you are NOT alone.

I have been called horrible names, and guess what, it sucks. Frankly, I am thankful that at this point in my life, I don't let it affect me. It took some time, but I remember, that when I am done with my school life, I will NEVER see these awful people in my life again. One thing I want you to remember, is that you are LOVED, you are CHARISHED, you, you are worth everything.

I am always here to talk, if you ever need anything, whether it be advice, or a shoulder to lean on, I will always be here.
I'm always here for you as well <3 Anytime


I suggest you read my quote again the purpose was to support this post and I thought this was about bringing people together and not pushing them away for making a comment to go along with your post? Me and jabu never said anything bad about this post nor did we ever say everyone is not equal?
This post is a serious post. Everyone is equal. Please leave if your not gunna realize the point of this.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2016
No one is below others. please don't come here to fight me kthx
We all have our points of views. We're allowed to share it. there's no right or wrong point of view in my find. Please don't try to shove your belief down our throats because you disagree. P.s. I'm not trying to start anything I'm just stating :p


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2016
I'm going to ask you to leave now.
For sharing my own belief? k
you claim that ppl People who try to bring you down are already below you. I'm saying that NO ONE is ABOVE ANYONE
I'm simply sharing what I believe. I respect that you have different views. I would never try to take away from that. There is no right or wrong point of view on things. If your trying to look accepting of everybody but the second someone has a way of looking at things you disagree with, you ask them to leave simply cause they have different views. No offense but that's hypocrisy.

I'm not trying to start anything. I'm simply stating my opinion which I'm allowed to do :p


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Mar 22, 2017
Yesss Gracie you go, again ur completely right! While I agree with the people are “less” than others, I think what Jabu and trump mean is that when people harass or are rude to others, they are sinking to mental level lower than what they should be at to make themselves feel good- I’ve seen it irl and know things can be bad, but for all u reading this, perseverance is key! You will get far if you stay true to yourself, and keep being friendly! Peace out y’all, inspirational speeches done for today lol


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2016
Yesss Gracie you go, again ur completely right! While I agree with the people are “less” than others, I think what Jabu and trump mean is that when people harass or are rude to others, they are sinking to mental level lower than what they should be at to make themselves feel good- I’ve seen it irl and know things can be bad, but for all u reading this, perseverance is key! You will get far if you stay true to yourself, and keep being friendly! Peace out y’all, inspirational speeches done for today lol


Active Member
Nov 9, 2017
As a person who had to go through a lot in life, have seen things I shouldn't had seen and experienced things I shouldn't had to...

there will always be bad people, no matter who you are.

But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, specially mentally. Stay strong everyone, if I can make it, you can too


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
I dont think what Jabu or Gabriel said anything offensive, they were just staing theyre view on the things you said. Like you said there will always be people to try to bring you down. But these people are the imaginary ones. Sometimes you keep fighting keep hating someone to only know that I honestly dont care and to me it seems more of a joke when people try to harass me and we all end up having a good laugh. I usually just play a long cause if it dosetn hurt you and you get use to it, it wont hurt at all instead they slowly accept you. It seems weird but it works. What Jabu and Gabriel said was that there are people below you who try to bring others down cause of the things like you said if they are jealous or sometimes being literally annoying purposely. But I think it was wrong to shove them off as you need to learn to be open minded to accept others opinions because if you shove them off for their own opinions it dosent make you any better than the people who do wrong to you. Im not trying to bash anyone but lets just respect everyones opinions and be openminded, trust me its for the better.