Apple one year anniversary updates



It has been one year ago today I launched Apple on June 14, 2017. Apple's goal has always and will always be a company who has values that provides quality and fairly priced items in an efficient and fast way. I would like to thank all our customers and everyone who has ever worked with or for Apple for helping to make this company successful. I would also like to call out our first ever employees which are @Powerfull XX_Mackenzie_XX(@Hermione), @123jackattack, @KrazyMachines, @sundae22, @EnderPoop @Pixel @MitchTheCat, @Casey_1130, and @Business_Bacon.

One year updates:
  1. Performance- Apple would like to announce that the performance of the company is looking great. On average our Prices are 25-30% lower than other companies. Recently we have changed prices on all our items and on average we lowered prices $2,000 and some were a lot more than that so we hope we can continue to provide high-quality products for nice prices. This past week we had the most products and money earned since the release of the smartwatches last summer! That is a huge success especially since it has been one year since the smartwatch launch.
  2. Apple is now partnered with almost everyone single company on McCities. We feel teamwork and corporation is a huge success. The final partnerships with companies are in the works
  3. Cayman OS- Cayman OS is part of our new name classification Name classification will be the name given to our updates categorized under a name of something having to do with McCities. So for the 1-year updates everything will be named CaymanOS or AppleOS1. Each time Apple releases new company updates it will be under the name of something having to do with McCities.
  4. Custom packaging- Apple special ordered products will now come in custom packaging (shulkers)
  5. Apples new trademark which will come in the special packaging has been decided to be “Designed by Apple in Newcity, Assembled in Cayman”
  6. Recently Apple has started selling androids which are programmable robots in the Slimefun guide that can do tasks such as mining, fishing and more depending on the one you buy. If you want one you can message me in game! We have sold many androids so far. All androids should be in Apple stores by the end of June
  7. We are developing new ways to get players products instead of just using stores or /ah.
Community Projects: Apple will now start putting a percentage of the money we earn from selling products into community projects/community builds that has public amenities for players to enjoy.
  9. Apple is Launching a new program at Apple called “Today at Apple”. This will be the companies Slimefun Education program to teach players about slime fun and get more people involved in slime fun. The program will be entirely free and more details will be provided.
  10. Nether Stars- Starting soon all Apple stores will be selling nether stars for the making of advanced Slimefun Machines, and we will be selling wither skeleton skulls.
  11. Soulbound: Apple will start taking orders for soulbound armor, weapons, and tools. We will have a more comprehensive way to order and we are very excited about this.

  12. We are looking to open 2-3 new stores across the server over the next few weeks. So like I mentioned plot13 Apple store and our store in nmall-5 including our orders will be closed for the rest of this week likely to update our stores with these new updates we have launched today.
  13. Apple Mythics- Today Apple is launching another product line and that will focus on mythic weapons and focus on getting more mythic weapons in players hands.

  14. Expect summer sales and another gift card event. Our Last Update is the opening of our nmall-5 store. It will sell the most popular Apple items and to go to the store do /warp mall go straight, turn left, and you will see the store

    Sorry I know this is kind of spammy D:


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Mar 22, 2017
Very cool updates coming, best of luck with the company
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