Denied Application. <3

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Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2019
1. What is your username?

2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check)
I'm technically a millionaire but I cannot rank up due to already have the "Snowman" winter rank.

3. Do you have a discord account? (Yes | No | Willing to make one)
DISCORD: @Angxll#3323

4. What builds would you like to submit? (/plot home <number>)
/Plot home 2, /Plot home 3, /Plot home 4 and /Plot home 5

5. Why do you want to be an architect?
I want to become an architect due to numerous reasons. One of them being I enjoy the distraction. Sometimes on Cities, people can overall not the best of people, the building keeps my mind off of all of it and keeps me happy.
The second reason I want to become arch Is to try making money off builds while learning new things. I want to expand my expertise, and building new things would help me do that.
The last reason is that I want to make my friends proud. I want to do something to help cities and building builds for the server would be an amazing way to attempt that.
"Be the change you want to see in the world" -Gandhi

6. How would you contribute to community projects?
I would contribute to community projects by using my creativity to inspire new builds. I'm always up for a challenge and would consider myself pretty patient. Usually,my builds can take anywhere up to two to four hours, sometimes, even more, depending on what I'm building. But even so, I find it fun. I can bring to the plate with me patience, skills, and creativity.
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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Jan 3, 2017
New England
The Sr Arches and I went through your application and have a few notes. The cafe on your second plot is a little simple, there aren't many details or decorations. The quartz & brick house on your third plot looks like more time was spent on it, but some tips would be to add more decor, especially on the walls (like flower pots, paintings, banner designs, perhaps a little desk). The fourth plot house is nice too but it has an empty feel near the entrance. I like the fifth plot house, the only thing to really add would be landscaping. I encourage you to keep building and perhaps attend workshops in the future, but this current application is denied. Build a couple new houses or improve your current ones with our comments in mind :)
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