Denied Application for a Teaching Position

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New Member
Apr 27, 2019
Hello, My Minecraft username is gingilikespie42 and I was looking into some of your teaching positions and realized that you have a low staff and was interested in a job at the local high school. The class I would prefer to teach is a "Comic Culture" Class. I'm sure you're probably thinking that this class would be useless and I beg to differ. I believe that a strong knowledge in comic books, movies, etc. is a great knowledge base to build a career from. I would be able to show the student base different variations of different heroes and villains. I believe this class would also benefit the community by teaching students right from wrong, uniting students in common interests in heroes, and give kids a class to look forward to so maybe students wouldn't dread having to go to class everyday. In conclusion, I believe that I would make for an excellent teacher in your school and bring a boost of morale to the student base. Thank you for taking the time to read my application and I hope you have a wonderful day.
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