Your current in game name: gracie__
Do you have Skype? (Yes or no only; we have an arch chat to discuss projects and builds as a team): Yes!
Which of your creative plots would you like to submit? I have 6 plots. /plot h gracie__ 3 is one I would like to submit, /plot h gracie__ 2, (not the head tho) (Both houses on it) (and one heather has on her arch plot)
Do you prefer interior or exterior design?:
I don't prefer one over another, but I feel I'm best with exterior only by a bit
How much time do you tend to build each week?:
I spend time when I am in the mood for building. Of course as an Arch, you are most likely asked everyday, so I will do so. When I am in building mode, I am eager to build, and then can't wait to go back and work!
Tell us about your favorite building memory:
When my friends tell me that they like my build and when I am confident,
Do you have Skype? (Yes or no only; we have an arch chat to discuss projects and builds as a team): Yes!
Which of your creative plots would you like to submit? I have 6 plots. /plot h gracie__ 3 is one I would like to submit, /plot h gracie__ 2, (not the head tho) (Both houses on it) (and one heather has on her arch plot)
Do you prefer interior or exterior design?:
I don't prefer one over another, but I feel I'm best with exterior only by a bit
How much time do you tend to build each week?:
I spend time when I am in the mood for building. Of course as an Arch, you are most likely asked everyday, so I will do so. When I am in building mode, I am eager to build, and then can't wait to go back and work!
Tell us about your favorite building memory:
When my friends tell me that they like my build and when I am confident,
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