miss u too joshyyyyyNoooo pls dont leave us, at least come back online once in a while or something to entertain us or something but otherwise we'll miss you <3
ik i amoof bai
and yes u are awesome xD
;(i'll miss you uninini ;(. sorry we ended on a bad note but it was in the past.
goodbye ;(
aww ty! youre so purty and amazing ;{Goodbye to the nicest uni ive ever known<3
I got the biggest message. and thats the tea sishello my fellow lovelies :3 after a week or so of thinking this through, i have decided on leaving this server ;( </3 i've spent almost a full 2 years on this server, and it'll get a bit emotional reading this (hang onto your tissues bb) lots and tons of irrational drama has soared around on this server, making some psycho friends, killing kim kardashian, making a grave for kim kardashia--... i've met so many people on here, kind, goofy, perverted, and those b**ches. some i've decided to erase memories from, keep memories with, buT elsa has taught me the past is in the past~ (ps obvi be stoppin by on hypickle sometimes)
hmmm... who to start with???
Sqoosh & Kitty - you guys basically stuck with me through those two years, listening to the same crap i kept repeating because i never planned on learning my mistakes at that early stage. our relationship was almost like a roller coaster, going up and down, all crazy, or maybe like a light switch, we were on and off at times. even if we've hated one another at some point, we just had one nice bond ;> i hope to never forget you guys <333 evAr
Bean & MissFrosty - laur, you were an amazing ig mother as u actually didnt stARVE ME, sad u didnt last... that sounded mean o gosh. you were an amazing ig mother too bean ^-^ i hope your surgery for that pp removal went well (bEEHEHEHE) was it wrong to put you guys in the same message? pFF nAw u guys are bffs
Ginny & Nemo - you poos better not let anyone change you. nemo, we ended on a bad note but id still remember you. ginny <3 loaf yourself mk? you sweetie pies need to stay joyful, lifes too short to be sad, beauties ;-)
Peggy - no way, jose. you're that one person who just stays quiet unTIl suDDenLy spIlls oUt a meme. you're just... blessed. i regret never being able to spend lots of my time with you in the past, but i wish i made up for it, but i never will. so too with all those other hundreds of kids i adopted off the street
Ena - aAHHH! you better stick with me until i die, i swear, ill drive all the way up to you, and we can become roomies ;o like i literally will *books flight tickets* kk b, meet u there <3 pick me up at the airport cuz i dont like ubers. we've had psychotic memories such as you trying to kick me off the spawn plane i cANt fLY yKnow! *ferociously rawrs while squirting out bubble bath soap*
Addy - be yourself, gorgeous <3 later on you'll rule the world that my weave be flyin on its own! thanks for letting me see the mc world more clearly, as i dont like wearing my glasses while playing ;3 few ft, many memories ;>> keep your head up, sweets! ps; we met at a drinking party, soul goal shistArs <3 we told each other about ourselves on forever play, and we started creepily rping as thOse plAstIc gorLS walKing Into skEwl bEfORe i trIPpEd oN my gOD dAmn mUsic stANd! but lets not get into that horrifying misled story
Lily - last person i wanted to write about... well. i remember when i first met you, addy was like "f**cKIng tP nOW b**tcH" but with less profanity. i was in the middle of something so i replied *oNe seCOnd reTArted d----" but with less profanity. she said im going to lOaf you bc u were just like me "IDENTITY STEALER I TELL YOU" but i tped and mkmk i was all shook and i said "nIce skIn lady" but with less gender assumptions. i regret meeting addy at that drinking party now. its like dominos, i met sweet addy, and oh baby jesus u came along. never forgetting those scary memories of getting locked up in a cage <3 oh, you're also going to yell at me on ft for saying this on here but; sTOp hANgINg ouT wITh mY bRoThEr aNd hIs frIEnds yoU gUys bRoke Up sO imMA tEll bEan tHIs. kk im good now, but u drive me insane when you run back to that same person who broke you into pieces all over again <3 i cant see you realize those real lies with em real eyes, especially seeing your mascara ruined on ft ;(
to the ones i didnt name; you were just that annoying, perverted, had one fINe ashy, or didnt really have anything to say to.
oh powerfull, i have something to say to u tho; aLL u SAid waS iM awEsOme iS tHat aLL i Am to YoU!?! kk... just k (i sound like those angry gfs but im not evEn in a friendship with u, at least not anymore)
people who are wondering- dont msg me abt giving plots/money away, ill deal with that once im dead
HAHA I remember when I first met you. I hated you.hello my fellow lovelies :3 after a week or so of thinking this through, i have decided on leaving this server ;( </3 i've spent almost a full 2 years on this server, and it'll get a bit emotional reading this (hang onto your tissues bb) lots and tons of irrational drama has soared around on this server, making some psycho friends, killing kim kardashian, making a grave for kim kardashia--... i've met so many people on here, kind, goofy, perverted, and those b**ches. some i've decided to erase memories from, keep memories with, buT elsa has taught me the past is in the past~ (ps obvi be stoppin by on hypickle sometimes)
hmmm... who to start with???
Sqoosh & Kitty - you guys basically stuck with me through those two years, listening to the same crap i kept repeating because i never planned on learning my mistakes at that early stage. our relationship was almost like a roller coaster, going up and down, all crazy, or maybe like a light switch, we were on and off at times. even if we've hated one another at some point, we just had one nice bond ;> i hope to never forget you guys <333 evAr
Bean & MissFrosty - laur, you were an amazing ig mother as u actually didnt stARVE ME, sad u didnt last... that sounded mean o gosh. you were an amazing ig mother too bean ^-^ i hope your surgery for that pp removal went well (bEEHEHEHE) was it wrong to put you guys in the same message? pFF nAw u guys are bffs
Ginny & Nemo - you poos better not let anyone change you. nemo, we ended on a bad note but id still remember you. ginny <3 loaf yourself mk? you sweetie pies need to stay joyful, lifes too short to be sad, beauties ;-)
Peggy - no way, jose. you're that one person who just stays quiet unTIl suDDenLy spIlls oUt a meme. you're just... blessed. i regret never being able to spend lots of my time with you in the past, but i wish i made up for it, but i never will. so too with all those other hundreds of kids i adopted off the street
Ena - aAHHH! you better stick with me until i die, i swear, ill drive all the way up to you, and we can become roomies ;o like i literally will *books flight tickets* kk b, meet u there <3 pick me up at the airport cuz i dont like ubers. we've had psychotic memories such as you trying to kick me off the spawn plane i cANt fLY yKnow! *ferociously rawrs while squirting out bubble bath soap*
Addy - be yourself, gorgeous <3 later on you'll rule the world that my weave be flyin on its own! thanks for letting me see the mc world more clearly, as i dont like wearing my glasses while playing ;3 few ft, many memories ;>> keep your head up, sweets! ps; we met at a drinking party, soul goal shistArs <3 we told each other about ourselves on forever play, and we started creepily rping as thOse plAstIc gorLS walKing Into skEwl bEfORe i trIPpEd oN my gOD dAmn mUsic stANd! but lets not get into that horrifying misled story
Lily - last person i wanted to write about... well. i remember when i first met you, addy was like "f**cKIng tP nOW b**tcH" but with less profanity. i was in the middle of something so i replied *oNe seCOnd reTArted d----" but with less profanity. she said im going to lOaf you bc u were just like me "IDENTITY STEALER I TELL YOU" but i tped and mkmk i was all shook and i said "nIce skIn lady" but with less gender assumptions. i regret meeting addy at that drinking party now. its like dominos, i met sweet addy, and oh baby jesus u came along. never forgetting those scary memories of getting locked up in a cage <3 oh, you're also going to yell at me on ft for saying this on here but; sTOp hANgINg ouT wITh mY bRoThEr aNd hIs frIEnds yoU gUys bRoke Up sO imMA tEll bEan tHIs. kk im good now, but u drive me insane when you run back to that same person who broke you into pieces all over again <3 i cant see you realize those real lies with em real eyes, especially seeing your mascara ruined on ft ;(
to the ones i didnt name; you were just that annoying, perverted, had one fINe ashy, or didnt really have anything to say to.
oh powerfull, i have something to say to u tho; aLL u SAid waS iM awEsOme iS tHat aLL i Am to YoU!?! kk... just k (i sound like those angry gfs but im not evEn in a friendship with u, at least not anymore)
people who are wondering- dont msg me abt giving plots/money away, ill deal with that once im dead
sameHAHA I remember when I first met you. I hated you.
BHAHAAHA I REMEMBER THAT TALK; KEEPING UP WITH YOUR HYGIENE! ok yardman, happy seeing you try to spell out tough words <3Also thank you so much for helping me with my dramatic love life issues <3 I can tell you that I sadly won't stop running back to that certain person. Thanks for getting African llamas with me and torturing the kind babysitters. It was fun acting all cool with you and having those t or d sessions + sleepoversOMG ALSO THAT ONE TALK WE HAD AT THE BANK AHAH
wow I will miss you so much even though I'm facetiming you right now. bye yardman
>:I I try my best.we are like such #UnderRatedBoyBestFriendsBHAHAAHA I REMEMBER THAT TALK; KEEPING UP WITH YOUR HYGIENE! ok yardman, happy seeing you try to spell out tough words <3
awh thanks... xD lmao this is awkward but YAAAAA TOTOTALLLLLYY definatly best friends.... defiantly.... ANYWAYS <3 ily uni, you were always the most amazing daughter ever <3 if you ever need anything im here for you still ^-^ ill miss you, stay in contact tho?Bean & MissFrosty - laur, you were an amazing ig mother as u actually didnt stARVE ME, sad u didnt last... that sounded mean o gosh. you were an amazing ig mother too bean ^-^ i hope your surgery for that pp removal went well (bEEHEHEHE) was it wrong to put you guys in the same message? pFF nAw u guys are bffs