Can I start a company in mcCities?


New Member
May 13, 2021
Hi guys,

I was thinking about starting a company in mcCities to get a lot more money, but how can I make a building or something? Can I create a warp thing to my company location, and what would players want?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2016
You can make a building in a plot you bought in survival or creative then transfer.

Oh, you can't create an official warp but I think /pwarp should be there, that means players can set their own warps and teleport around using /pwarp. If that isn't what you want then there is the slimefun gps system, I haven't made one yet because it's too complicated but in my opinion that is the best because it doesn't require installing the /pwarp plugin because that is quite glitchy and people lost alot of money doing pwarps.. it cost 1 million $ to make 1 pwarp when it was introduced some time ago. If the /pwarp plugin has been uninstalled then the only thing you can do is slimefun gps system.

Players would want things that make life fun, so that might mean new furniture, pvp equipment, fishing enchantments and mining enchantments. I think the first thing you should do is build a good farm for these items, and keep manufacturing until you have more than enough because enough just isn't good... that way you can take a break while your chests run out. And thank You! for starting a company :D I wish you good luck!

In my opinion you should just join someone else's company, work hard there and implement your own ideas. Because those guys have already started something and you don't have to start things from scratch. Doing that slimefun gps thing is hard work for someone working alone, and when you have a helping hand things tend to get alot easier. Same with getting plots.