

Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
This server has a lot to do with the economy so people buy and create stuff to make monney.

Sharing Islands and making huge deals are also an part of the game but making an contract is way to complicated.

So here's my suggestion:

Make an new topic called Contracts where people will post their contracts so staff can see what the deal is about may the deal be broken.

Then the format:
What your deal is about:
Details about the deal (think about, I want a 50x50 area on your is or I will be manager of your Island)
What is contract is broken: (What punishment you want to set for breaking the contract)
By who the contract needs to be signed. (Best tagging the person)

Then the person where you make the deal with says in the comment his name and that he 'signs' the contract and then when someone breaks it you can make an court case and link the topic.

It would be fun to see the contracts and it would make deal more safe also you can sell your house for payoff so people can buy you off in like 1 week and if they don't you can follow the contract and get your plot back or something like that.

This is just an idea and comment your suggestions to change this!