A lot of you may have seen me asking in game to buy diamonds (my in game name is Superdude4299) but sadly I had to be online to buy the diamonds from some of you hard working miners. Well no longer will you have to worry about waiting until I am online, you can now sell me all the diamonds you want even if I am offline. Head on down to mall-4 at /warp mall, to get there simply do /warp mall head right and go all the way to the end and you will see my shop. I buy many different amounts of diamonds including stacks of diamonds, stacks of diamonds blocks, and groups of sixteen or even eight diamond blocks. I hope to be able to purchase some of your diamonds in the near future! Thanks for taking the time to read this post about diamonds
Having trouble finding mall-4? No problem, watch the video below for instructions!
Having trouble finding mall-4? No problem, watch the video below for instructions!
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