Education Degree Update


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
**McCities Highschool**
A Bachelor's Degree Is no longer a prior requirement towards applications.
-=- INSIDES -=-

• If you ever want to apply for Teacher, you no longer need a Bachelor's Degree for a reason. I've realized getting a Bachelor's Degree is harder than some might think. Especially since School Season keeps everyone busy. However, as a teacher, you'll be responsible to get your bachelor's degree over time.

• School on the other side isn't getting hosted as often as before... With school and low people attending school makes it sometimes useless to host at times but we still keep pushing everything and everyone. Summer Vacation should possibly be more active.

If you make an application tells me as an applicant that you want to teach and help players out. Getting the job and going inactive is not acceptable! If you're inactive for a long period of time you'll instantly be kicked if you don't have a valid reason. That reason should have a valid reason and to do that you need an approximate time, you can always change it however if its more than 2 months... you'll be kicked and once you're ready to be active you can always apply again! :D
More Updates soon... Applications should be read within 1-2 weeks approx. If not longer, It's for a good reason. Keep in mind- I'm experimenting so not everything I say is final and may be changed at any time, any day