If you don't know what elevators are, they are those random pressure plates you can see in most buildings that are multi-story. They can make you go up or down depending on how they are set up.
To use elevators, simply either jump on the plates to go up, or shift to go down.
How they are usually set up:
The ground floor plates are usually just the plates with iron blocks underneath them.
The floors above it are usually the same plates on top of iron blocks, but with more iron blocks over the plates, which makes another floor warp spot.
The top floor is usually the same plates with iron blocks underneath them, but with no other iron blocks above the plates.
To use elevators, simply either jump on the plates to go up, or shift to go down.
How they are usually set up:
The ground floor plates are usually just the plates with iron blocks underneath them.
The floors above it are usually the same plates on top of iron blocks, but with more iron blocks over the plates, which makes another floor warp spot.
The top floor is usually the same plates with iron blocks underneath them, but with no other iron blocks above the plates.