Dear Jury of McCities...
In the beginning of this month Nibble was found murdered in the ally next to /warp bank. The police gave up on the case, saying there wasn't enough evidence, but our heroic detectives kept on investigating and thanks to their hard work and this detailed police report, we can put the murderer away for good!
We shall start with a simple breakdown of the events.
It was late that night as Nibble left his job in the sewers and went to the mall. He didn't have a single clue he was being followed by a colleague, that was until arrows came flying through the window from the outside. We are guessing some of the arrows hit him, but he was still able to flee the scene and used the chaos caused by the shooting to escape his pursuer. While Nibble was finding a place to hide, his pursuer was trying to find a way to get up to speed. So he stole the car from the vehicle store and chased Nibble on the streets. The car however not made for driving crashed in the woods and nibble was able to make it to the bank. At this time of day the bank is closed and he was forced to hide in the ally. Here his colleague found him and they fought.... Nibble lost.
While trying to burn the body to remove all the evidence the murderer was almost caught in the act and fled into the sewers, not to be seen again. This is until 2 weeks later when an attempted robbery is made in the News Station, Cayman City Center. The murderer went to Nibble's previous workplace to find the evidence Nibble had gathered over time. The murderer and his boss found out that Nibble was a Reporter sent in as a Spy to gather proof of the operation and bring the criminals working there to justice. The murderer was trying to find the evidence on a Data Drive and destroy it, but failed thanks to the fact the Drive had a tracker on it. Our detectives retrieved this Drive and the Tech department was able to identify the murderer. The police arrested him shortly after.
We found the murderers base in the sewer system by following a hidden trail of Redstone put under water. It was already left empty and most of the evidence was removed. We know they were working on a some weird type of Drug, but what it is or what it does... is still a mystery.
We would Like to thank the Detectives who put in hard work and hope they will be there to help us solve the mysteries the future might hold!
We are finally able to put away this Criminal and make the streets of Cities a bit safer again.
Happy Halloween....
Detective M. Galaxie
Hello People of McCities
I am so proud
. While there are certainly some improvements to this event.... I still think it was super fun to do
. But Yeah I already ranted on the last post so let's just announce the winners!!!
The Top 3 Detectives (Not in order)
These were the first 3 to get a 5/6 minimum, but I can tell you they all had a 6/6 score!!!
They Win 1 Winter Crate key, 10 Halloween Candy and the Custom Admin Item made just for this event!!!!
The Numbers 4&5:
These 2 win 5 Halloween candy and the Custom Admin Item!!!!
The other winners of the event:
These players will recieve 2 Halloween candy!!
I want to again, thank everyone who participated. I want to thank @wisemanjp and @Smilinq for some of the builds I just couldn't pull off myself.
If you did participate but didn't win anything, just /msg me in game to hear your score and maybe receive a lil suprise
For the others, I'll tell you your score when asked and if there are any questions about the event or feedback, I'll gladly hear it.
Hope you enjoyed the event
Happy Halloween Everyone!
In the beginning of this month Nibble was found murdered in the ally next to /warp bank. The police gave up on the case, saying there wasn't enough evidence, but our heroic detectives kept on investigating and thanks to their hard work and this detailed police report, we can put the murderer away for good!
We shall start with a simple breakdown of the events.
It was late that night as Nibble left his job in the sewers and went to the mall. He didn't have a single clue he was being followed by a colleague, that was until arrows came flying through the window from the outside. We are guessing some of the arrows hit him, but he was still able to flee the scene and used the chaos caused by the shooting to escape his pursuer. While Nibble was finding a place to hide, his pursuer was trying to find a way to get up to speed. So he stole the car from the vehicle store and chased Nibble on the streets. The car however not made for driving crashed in the woods and nibble was able to make it to the bank. At this time of day the bank is closed and he was forced to hide in the ally. Here his colleague found him and they fought.... Nibble lost.
While trying to burn the body to remove all the evidence the murderer was almost caught in the act and fled into the sewers, not to be seen again. This is until 2 weeks later when an attempted robbery is made in the News Station, Cayman City Center. The murderer went to Nibble's previous workplace to find the evidence Nibble had gathered over time. The murderer and his boss found out that Nibble was a Reporter sent in as a Spy to gather proof of the operation and bring the criminals working there to justice. The murderer was trying to find the evidence on a Data Drive and destroy it, but failed thanks to the fact the Drive had a tracker on it. Our detectives retrieved this Drive and the Tech department was able to identify the murderer. The police arrested him shortly after.
We found the murderers base in the sewer system by following a hidden trail of Redstone put under water. It was already left empty and most of the evidence was removed. We know they were working on a some weird type of Drug, but what it is or what it does... is still a mystery.
We would Like to thank the Detectives who put in hard work and hope they will be there to help us solve the mysteries the future might hold!
We are finally able to put away this Criminal and make the streets of Cities a bit safer again.
Happy Halloween....
Detective M. Galaxie
Hello People of McCities
I am so proud
The Top 3 Detectives (Not in order)
These were the first 3 to get a 5/6 minimum, but I can tell you they all had a 6/6 score!!!
They Win 1 Winter Crate key, 10 Halloween Candy and the Custom Admin Item made just for this event!!!!
The Numbers 4&5:
These 2 win 5 Halloween candy and the Custom Admin Item!!!!
The other winners of the event:
These players will recieve 2 Halloween candy!!
I want to again, thank everyone who participated. I want to thank @wisemanjp and @Smilinq for some of the builds I just couldn't pull off myself.
If you did participate but didn't win anything, just /msg me in game to hear your score and maybe receive a lil suprise
For the others, I'll tell you your score when asked and if there are any questions about the event or feedback, I'll gladly hear it.
Hope you enjoyed the event
Happy Halloween Everyone!