Faster Staff Service (Sorta)

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
So basically some players have been complaining of like how things such as bug reports and trasnfer/region requests take a while, I understand them. And I think that at the most 1 week should be like the latest it should be responded to. I mean in fairness there are 2 staff who can do Transfers/region and 2-3 who can do bug reports. The court cases are running pretty smoothly, since there are a lot of Mods but one player I think waited 3 weeks before he got a response to get his items back, which his items for earning money (his pick) was there. I mean I guess he kinda was slowed down in earning cash by a few days would be ok ishh, still not that good but its ok but it taking 3 weeks is kinda sad. I dont mean to rage at any staff here and I get that your all really busy, but I think sparing a few mins to update bugreports and trasnfer and region requests would be good.

Not much issue with the transfers havent seen any past a week of waiting yet, but hopefully for bug reports.

Idk if this is really a suggestion, kinda maybe idk, just saying some players feel it was inconvinient it took a really long time to get his bug report responded to. Just to avoid future cases like this because this happened to me in the past as well.
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So basically some players have been complaining of like how things such as bug reports and trasnfer/region requests take a while, I understand them. And I think that at the most 1 week should be like the latest it should be responded to. I mean in fairness there are 2 staff who can do Transfers/region and 2-3 who can do bug reports. The court cases are running pretty smoothly, since there are a lot of Mods but one player I think waited 3 weeks before he got a response to get his items back, which his items for earning money (his pick) was there. I mean I guess he kinda was slowed down in earning cash by a few days would be ok ishh, still not that good but its ok but it taking 3 weeks is kinda sad. I dont mean to rage at any staff here and I get that your all really busy, but I think sparing a few mins to update bugreports and trasnfer and region requests would be good.

Not much issue with the transfers havent seen any past a week of waiting yet, but hopefully for bug reports.

Idk if this is really a suggestion, kinda maybe idk, just saying some players feel it was inconvinient it took a really long time to get his bug report responded to. Just to avoid future cases like this because this happened to me in the past as well.
Well idk I mean the only thing I see your suggestion is about is faster bug reports, but sometimes Nibble has to like "Investigate" the bug etc and figure out the details on how the items were lost etc. tbh most bug reports are done in game for examples SF items turning into heads Leanne handles that and usually staff is pretty quick to handle bug reports like the other day Kiri was pretty quick to clear my plot factory1 of those invisible armor stands when it was glitched up. But if it seems the bug reports idk of really how you could speed up the process?


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2017
I'm busy with studying, which I have already said about on the forums. This weekend I will be able to catch up, but saying that I'm doing a slow job isn't really what I want to hear. Kiri often has more important things to do and many bugs have insufficient evidence to be dealt with properly.
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