In game name: Mariewalrus
Joined on: somewhere in the summa.
How I found da server: I was looking for city servers cuz I loVE CiTies
Favorite Memory: playing Minecraft at my birthday like a total nerd. lawl.
About me : HAi Im marie walroooos and idk why I'm doiNG dis buT otay <3. im in middles school and I love making new friends! my favorite thing to do in Minecraft is building
I have been playing Minecraft since I was 10 years old and I was always fascinated in replicating any real life build inTo mIneCrAFT ya know :>. mY favorite color is black the opposite of my soUL. My 2nd fav thing to do in mineCrAfT is to pVP, I may suck at rodding but I think dats finnnneee. I'm extremely scared of lightning too. As I'm writing this there is a lightning storm and a car went off so I'm pretty terrified. I also rlly loaf singing it makes me haPPY. I Also love animals, I have 5 dogs irl and I used to have hamsters! I have a fat goldfish and a weird fat sucker fish. I think my fish are trying to mate but it would be creepy if I saw da baby. imagine what dat would look like. a sucker fish goldfish HYBRID tryIN- yea lightning happened again. HoW WonDErFUl.
as I was saying A SucKEr ISh GOlDFIsh hYbRID TRYing TO eAT YO SoULSSS for.. Brunch :>. Im a really nice person.. I think ? AnD I stick up for my fRiEnds and I lOVVE to mAKE nEw Ones <3 I hoPE to stay at mccities FoR A wHiLe! and yes, I get really excited while typing things so half of the things don't answer the question. :>
-love marie
Joined on: somewhere in the summa.
How I found da server: I was looking for city servers cuz I loVE CiTies
Favorite Memory: playing Minecraft at my birthday like a total nerd. lawl.
About me : HAi Im marie walroooos and idk why I'm doiNG dis buT otay <3. im in middles school and I love making new friends! my favorite thing to do in Minecraft is building
-love marie