Accepted iJayx's 2nd Arch Application

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Apr 30, 2017
I am here again, and so are you!

1. What is your username? iJayx

2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check) 40 days, 11 hours and 30 minuets

3. Do you have a discord account? (Yes | No | Willing to make one) yes Jay #9819

4. What builds would you like to submit? (/plot home <number>) all of /plot home 2 you can also look at the first plot also (/plot home 1) if you would like

5. Why do you want to be an architect? The reason why I want to become an architect is because I want to help out with the community. I want to improve the community more by helping out and doing my job. I love to build, and I spent my precious time building houses and doing interior and exterior. Building is something I like to do, and it keeps my mind off of things, and when I have my mind off of things that makes me be more creative and have that wow ness in my builds. Another reason why I want to become an architect is because I want to inspire people to build, and have creativity in their build.

6. How would you contribute to community projects? I love helping people with anything. As a proud teacher, I love to help students learn new things in life. I don't mind helping, and I don't mind being alone. All of the houses I built, were made by be and my lonesome. If someone needs help building, ill help them with no hesitation. I also helped several people on the server building, and doing their exterior and interior! I am 99% sure I never charged people while helping them build their structures. I have great social skills, and will share some ideas that others wouldn't see. I just want to be that hero that saves people lives when building. I tried my best, and I worked extra hard. My building skills are increasing a lot, so I hope you are amazed of what I have been building these past couple of weeks.

Thank you for taking your valuable time in reading my application, I really do appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Jan 3, 2017
New England
I love seeing improvement throughout applications! The yellow clay and brick house is really cute and the interior fills the space well. The furnishings and details really work together, and the whole house flows. The gray one is great too but some advice for the second floor would be to make larger bedrooms so there's space to move (especially the yellow/green rooms). The modern house is lovely! The acacia logs, buttons, signs, and plants run throughout the entire house and it works very well. The brick one is a little flat/boxy but you improved on the exteriors in the other examples :) Application accepted, welcome to the team!
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