I have made another thread because of people complaining about the fact that I was banned for life over xraying. Everyone (Nibble) thought that I was trying to justify myself over my ban on x-raying. That is not what I was referring to. I was specifically referring to tp-killing in which is a way to harsh. I understand that ban being applied to wild tp trapping but in the city... really. They only lose a percentage of their money and that is it. This is not a ban appeal hence why it is in the inactivity section, all I wanted to say was the punishments for some things such as tp killing in the city is sometimes outrageous.
I hope everyone understands now and also why does Heather keep on deleting a post that has suggestions in there and also locking the forum when there is still madders to be discussed.
I hope everyone understands now and also why does Heather keep on deleting a post that has suggestions in there and also locking the forum when there is still madders to be discussed.