In response to the ban of rasqberry

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
I Death_Inferno360 would like to place my point to what has happened due to the recent glitch abuse.

I am not here to talk about all the comments of people on what has happened, I am not here to talk about what she has done wrong but I am here to talk about what happened. I was not online at that time when a huge glitch happened and the /warps went for rent which probably because they are counted as regions but, non rentable. My friend rasqberry was a victim from this case. She was your regular neighborhood girl just coming around to be helpful. I only got to talk to her for a couple of days, but she made me feel special, she is a light in many, she makes us glow, she makes us feel special. Many of you may not agree with me but, as the kind girl she is, someone lured her into renting /warp city and /warp bank. These people asked her to rent it so they would not get in trouble. They asked her to add them to /warp bank and they broke through the walls and robbed it. I know many of you will say, that she would be stupid, why would she do this. I believe that even if she did not know and it seems to good to be true. She would not attempt something like this, she was never banned before, never broke a rule, the kind neighborhood girl she was. I find these wrong on how so many were victims, we go inot shock to things we are not at fault for. Many of friends have been banned for this and even their friends have been banned. These startups of things such as spreading of false rumors and such brought them to panick and people just wanted to help each other. Do you really think they want themselves banned. We are humans, not perfect and in this game, we interact with each other, not everyday do you get to meet your in real life friends, but these gave us a place we know or may not know in real life, shaped us, it may be a game but has a impact on us. Some of us spent a lot of their time here. So many victims of these cases. Rasqberry was lured and I pity her that someone like her a gift, was used as bait. Many people attempted to hack, and glitch abuse worse than her, and what thye get away, they get second chances, for something they willingly knew, they went to doing thse horrible things on purpose. I would like to petition that rasqberry may get unbanned, if you believe she had something to do with it, or recieved income from the hack, then I don't mind if she gets bal wipe, or if she loses her stuff. All i know is that she innocent and I will stand for that. I will happily provide her with what she needs if I must. I just wish to see the day that gifted girl come backs to the communtiy to interact with us, to give us that gift, to open our eyes, to be there for us.

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Staff member
Jan 18, 2016
Of course she knew what she did was wrong. It's not about how serious the offence is, it's about how honest she was in her appeal (which in this case, she decided not be honest) which does not make us want to give a second chance.

[8/4/17 9:39 PM] [8/4/17 9:39 PM] Command: rasqberry > /tell PatoCalzoncillo wait xD so unrent everything before we get banned etc.
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