Denied Lacy's Teacher Application


New Member
Dec 31, 2016
1. What is your Minecraft username (ign)? LacyMarie_

2.What subjects do you want to teach? (list 2 - 3 subjects that aren't taken and relates to Minecraft)
Math (if its not taken),History, and Art

3. What is you rank on the server? None right now

4.What would you do if a student wasn’t behaving appropriately in class?
Warn them then if they still don't stop send the to the principle's office.

5.Do you have a discord account? (This is now required for teachers to communicate and plan as a team)
Yes, LacyMarie_ <3 #2004

6.What timezone are you in?( Important for knowing when to plan school)
Central Time zone

7.Why do you want to become a teacher?
I want to become a teacher because you get to help others the way you were helped.
8. Do you agree to be a good role model? As a teacher you should be responsible, mature, and follow the law. If a teacher is caught being a poor role model or breaking server rules they will be reprimanded
I think being a good role model can change peoples life from bad to great.