Licenses Ideas

If the server is gonna have guns and drugs again I have a few ideas for Licenses and warrants.

The Gun Licenses should stay the how they were before the reset.
A Gun license is a Written Book.
Book Title: Gun License.
Page 1: (player's) Gun License
Page 2: Allowed Guns (Ext. Shotgun, Pistol)
More pages if multiple guns are on the license.
The Book has to be titled and signed before it is valid.
A License will cost 5k+1k(or whatever price staff says) for each added gun with a free copy
that can be held by whoever made the license or the owner.
I think there needs to be Drug licenses so people wont get jailed for having 2 sugars because
they are wanting to make some potions for there shop.The Drug license will be similar to the gun one.(Other people can come up with the prices)
Book Title: Drug License
Page1: (player) Drug License.
Page2: List of allowed drugs and amount.
Free copy as well
Only Police, and higher staff can make licenses.
Licenses must be signed and titled before it is valid.
That's what I think give your own ideas.


Gun license we already had, and I am not to sure drugs are coming back anytime soon