Looking for characters for a new FANFICTION!


Cyber Bullied
Dec 7, 2016
Hello all! I'm back again, but this time because I'm gonna start a fanfic! I was inspired by RealCreeperGamer's and Jo3512 and FabFishy! They had amazing fanfics to share, and I want to write one now. I recently did a school project on Rome and Roman gods and goddesses, so I am going to try to make one about them! The thing that I need is characters- I have made a list down below of who I need . Please reply to this thread stating your name you want to use in the fanfic and what character you want to be! I will take people on a first come first serve basis, so get your response in quick!
Happy MC,
Xx_Die_xX (forums cp42)

God of creation: Notch
God of ideas: Jeb
God of the Wind/ King god: JummyCake
God of the sea: IronWarrior720
God of blacksmiths: Mystic480
God of the underworld: Herobrine
God of war: TheDiamondTiger
Goddess of farming: sundae22
Goddess of the bow: Izzie__
Goddess of marriage: bbeun
Goddess of the feast: DonutOffendMe
Goddess of animals: PixePuppy_
Main Character 1: Me!
Main Character 2: _Bl4ckH4wk_ or _CharliePlays_
Main Character 3: PurpleTurkey

Make sure to write in early who you want!!! I will have the prologue out soon!!! Make sure that the character fits you, for example: I am a police, so I would not make a great God of war. I want this to be realistic and cool! Thanks to all that reply! I wanna make this the best McCities fanfic ever! If characters are not 'claimed' in 3 days, I will add people in! Happy mc!
I am glad I inspired such awesome fan fictions.