Lost all my items


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
my messenger pigeon
username : Pengy2552
what I lost : like everything
when it happened : like 5 minutes before to this post
So it was due to the welcome to mccities thing. and it replaced everything with the starter kit. however I have a solution. I prepared for this in advance (sort of). I had stored my stuff in a chest for a day so staff can roll the chest back to that day should it be necessary. the chest is the one at the back in h35 on the ground floor
please roll it back to 29th or 30th October. Also I also lost my 20 candies and my spooky item (one that grants levitation). i hope this can be resolved quickly as I need the gear to take part in the Halloween event.
thank you


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
my messenger pigeon
also apart from that i had 2 sets of gear in my inventory as well. however this is not as much of a priority and I can also get it rolled back through another chest. however I put some new stuff in that chest currently so I will contact a staff when it's ready for that one to be rolled back. thanks


Staff member
Jan 18, 2016
I've returned what I can at the top left corner of the chest at h35. If you have more that is lost, please elaborate on the details.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
my messenger pigeon
I will explain the valuables that I had
1. Diamond axe with fire aspect 2, sharp 5, unbreaking 4 and mending. Tier 4 scrolls : Wither, chill, counter, weaken, darkness
2. Diamond axe with fire aspect 1, sharp 4, unbraeking 3, and mending. Tier 4 scrolls : Wither, chill, counter, weaken, darkness
3.Power 6 6 slot punch 5 bow with infinity, flame, and unbreaking 8. Tier 4 scrolls : Wither, poison, chill, darkness, weaken, confusion
4. Power 6 6 slot punch 2 bow with infinity, flame and unbreaking 8. Tier 4 scrolls : Wither, poison, chill darkness, weaken, confusion
5. 6 slot diamond axe sharp 5 with kb 2. Tier 4 scrolls : WIther, poison, weaken, counter, chill, darkness
6. 3 ender talisman of the whirlwind
7. 1 ender talisman of the magician (and one normal in a shulker box) ( bought these off 5x16 You can ask her for proof)
8. Spoopy stick, spooky stick, 2017 pumpkin hat and unlimited recharge token (bought some of them off 5x16)
9. Gauss ( bought off 5x16 again)
10. Shulker box with tier 4 scrolls (around 15 of them, most of them are armour but I remember I had 1 confusion 4)
11. Shulker box with random mythics that I kept (not as important, can afford to lose)
12. Shulker box with sf stuff ( around 64 coal gens and 2 nether stars for crafting advanced stuff. Also 2 energized solar gens)
13. Around a stack of input nodes, output nodes, connector nodes and 2 cargo managers. tier 3 gold pan
14. 3 sets of armour that's prot 6/7. All must be unbreaking 5 +. Details as follows best of my memory
Set I was wearing : Prot 7 diamond helmet unbreaking 8 mending no slots. Prot 5 chestplate 4 slot unbreaking 5. Slime leggings prot 4, projectile prot 4, fire prot 4 and blast prot 4 and mending and unbreaking 4. Boots prot 6 unbreaking 7 mending with 5 slots filled with 2 tier 4 scrolls. (Spikes and frost i think)
Set I had in my inventory : Prot 5 unbreaking 4 diamond helmet 4 slots filled with harden, frost, spikes and needles all tier 3. Prot 6 chestplate unbreaking 6 1 slot with harden 3. Slime leggings with prot 4 unbreaking 4 mending. Prot 6 unbraeking 5 2 slot boots with no scrolls currently added.
2nd Set I had in my inventory : Prot 5 unbreaking 5 helmet 4 slots filled with harden, frost, spikes and needles all tier 3. Prot 6 unbreaking 4 chestplate with frost, needles and harden 3. Slime leggings prot 2 unbreaking 4 mending. Prot 6 unbreaking 5 no slot boots.
In enderchest : Prot 7 unbreaking 4 helmet with mending 4 slots, frost, needles, harden and spikes all tier 4. Prot 7 unbreaking 3 helmet with 4 slots but only harden 4 added. Prot 7 unbreaking 8 chestplate no slots. Prot 6 unbreaking 5 4 slot helmet with no scrolls added. Prot 7 unbreaking 7 3 slot boots with harden and needles 4 in it.
In some of the shulker boxes I also had
5 slot diamond axe with nothing in it
sharp 6 5 slot diamond axe with chill 4 and counter 4
Sharp 6 5 slot diamond sword with nothing in it.
2 5 slot diamond swords.
20 blaze spawners
multitool 7
3 stacks of repair tokens
3 stacks of gapples
portable dustbin
portable enderchest
infused magnet

At the moment this is what I can remember. 64 nether stars were in no way compensation for all of this, and this is only the valuables. I realise it was stupid to store everything in my enderchest however I like to carry my things around with me. Also, I got not 1 good item from the nether stars, they were all trash, I threw around 10 of them away and decided to keep the rest as proof. I just ask that you return those items, my chest in h35 has the proof that they existed, all you need to do is roll it back. You can take away the spooky item and the 20 candies u just gave me, I just want my old items back to continue enjoying the server, either that or I will sadly have to leave as I have lost too much to have the will to continue playing, please fix this.
Thank you
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
my messenger pigeon
Please understand why I've been trying so hard to get my items back, I worked months really hard for them and I was really sad when I lost it, a lot of the community are very unhappy with this. At the very least you can roll the chest back and take some of my money if that's what has to be done. Although it seems illogical to charge me back for my own items or not return my items, I'd rather have my items than my money. I really don't know anything else that I can do for you to roll the chest back. @nibble


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2017
The Netherlands
I did get more stack of nether stars but i still didnt get the value of my previous mythics. I had like 2mil worth of mythics but only got like 130k out of the stars. @pengyy You can say its dumb of holding ur items in your shulker boxes in your enderchest, but it isn't our fault that the server crashed. Im still losing stuff as well...


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
my messenger pigeon
Yeah i know its dumb but I like to have everything on me, that's how I am in real life as well, I bring unnecessary stuff around for "just in case" situations. I mean you'd never know when u get stranded on an uninhabited island. (Dw i don't bring a boat in my bag, more like a swiss army tool and screwdrivers) But yes it isn't our fault that our stuff went missing. Even so why did you get 5 stacks, seems very unfair by the server.
Hopefully we get our stuff back.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2017
The Netherlands
Selling the netherstars for 50k a piece seems better a deal to me then
Yes but we both used them all to get mythics. And barely got something good. Because thats what you do when you get a little bit hyped if you suddenly have nether stars in your hand. :) And, it would've ruined the market if we sold all the nether stars.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
my messenger pigeon
Nibble if u want to see the mythic i got. i left them at the chests in a1112. there's signs to show u which chest. u can take them back or leave them its all trash anyway.