McCities Academic Programs
What are Academic Programs?
Academic Programs are fun after school programs. There will be captains and players/students that can sign up and go to tryouts and have fun all together. We will also host tournaments where players/students can all win prizes such as money! DONATIONS ARE ACCEPTED!
♪ Music Band ♫

NOTE- These are some of the programs. There may be more added soon!
Tryouts will be hosted by the Team Leader. The Team Leader will pick out players to join the team and fit in. Team leaders have the ability to kick players, however, do not have the ability to replace or add members. Moving on, tryouts will begin this following up week or next week. It will be hosted on a weekend so all players can attend.
Estimated date- 9/7/2019 - 9/8/2019 OR 9/14/2019 - 9/15/2019.
(please let me know if you can make it via poll)
Team Leader Tryouts:
Team Leader tryouts will be hosted right before the team tryouts (at least 2-3 hours before). The Team Leader will pick out players to join the team and fit in. Team leaders have the ability to kick players, however, do not have the ability to replace or add members without hosting tryouts each season. (tryouts must get permission from Bpacer - Principal)
More info soon!
Make sure to vote on the poll!