Accepted MissMelonee's Architect Application

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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2016
your fruit bowl
I'm back babies!!!
Basically copied and pasted this because I hate wasting time.

please take me back sundae <3

1. My username is MissMelonee

2. My server rank is very opinionated, I'm a Millionaire but I don't always carry the cash on me, thus my rank is often lower.

3. Yes, I have I discord account

4. I'm submitting my arch plot, /plot home 7. As I have had this plot for at least a year I coded each build, putting Blue banners on builds that still represent my skill and style, Red banners on builds that do not still represent my skill and style, and White banners on builds that other players are mostly if not wholly responsible for building. This is less relevant to the submission process, but I put an additional Yellow banner by my personal favorites. I'm also adding my build competition plot to my resume, that's on my /plot home 9

5. This is like, my thing. I love building, especially houses, and getting the rank of architect back now that I have the time to be more active would be most appreciated. World edit is such a help when building, and not being able to teleport my friends to me while I'm at my arch plot is sad.

6. This is a rather odd, specific question, and I feel like very little has been done towards its implied purpose. I do work best alone but if my services can be applied to any server project with due reward, I am happy to help. I feel as if I have a rather high-quality building style, so reaccepting me would only increase the quality of estate in McCities. One of my favorite parts of being an architect was when players I'd never met before would msg me to ask for my opinion on their builds. I always tried to take away something about their personal style to try integrating into my own and it was really inspiring.

Over the time that I was previously an architect, I dare say I learned and grew as a builder more than any year before. I still remember the build that got me accepted as an architect, and my first paid commission. Both of the builds were pretty crappy, but I like being able to see how far I've come. Whether or not I am accepted, I wanted to say thank you for giving me that chance way back in 2016.
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