Hello everyone! So recently I made a Redstone movie theater that moves across a screen when you press a button! It will be open to everyone soon! I am having a contest to see who can make the best Minecraft movie in a 3 tall 16 across 1 wide space! The movie can be anything ^-^ I can wait to see what you guys come up with! The prize is having your movie play in my movie theater and $30,000!!! Good luck!
The contest ends March 17th, 2018 and you cant use blocks that break when pistons move them. These blocks include pumpkins, jack o' lanterns, melons, etc.
Message me ( @DelicateBean ) in game to submit your movie!

Have a great day and good luck!
The contest ends March 17th, 2018 and you cant use blocks that break when pistons move them. These blocks include pumpkins, jack o' lanterns, melons, etc.
Message me ( @DelicateBean ) in game to submit your movie!

Have a great day and good luck!