My Teacher App, I am IronGamer777.

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Active Member
Jan 15, 2018
Costa Rica
1. What is your in game name?

2. Rank?


3. What Time Zone Are You in?
(UTC-06:00) Central America, i am from Costa Rica.

4.Why do you want to be a Teacher?
I enjoyed teaching, i want to teach the player how to be the Best of them, i Love my time in school and i want to transmit that feeling that I have from school with my students. I want to make the people of McCities the Best of them.

5. what would i teach?
#1 is Counselor, #2 is Regular Food Craft, #3 would be Item Craft.

6. What would I Do if a student was misbehaving

If a student wasn't behaving well in class I would first give them a warning if it's a minor offence (any big offenses like shooting in class goes to the principal immediately). After the first warning I would consider giving them a second warning or send them to the principals office. Then the Principal will decide a fitting punishment for the student.

7. Discord?

8. Questions?
No, thanks for your attention.
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