i've decided who I'm give-awaying my plots to:
nsky1-> Bpacer
h234-> ramdon_person
amansion-1-> Spyders_Crypt
row1-> 2704Patrick
star-city-sealine-> __Poseidon_
h41-> poprock190000
loeyhouse-> Pengy2552
star-city-12-> tishk2008
bludsky-6-> CreeperCJG
city-plot4-> 8x16
fay1-> knight3000
a90-> JustYourTypical
H3-> CreeperC JG
gorgetown-6 -> PotatoBuddies
cottage-> Death_Inferno360
mini_mansion-1-> trump15024
rb-hotel-> Icel
police_training-> mehlife
star-city-41-> Vexecs
plot402-> 2704Patrick
star-city-23-> shakaar12
h1111-> Puffyblaze
fay8-> Jakobjpar
nekokingdom-> koekie_w
h799-> NinjaGaming23
h303-> Wheelbarrels
bludsky-2-> TwistedL0gic
t012-> XxIronFistxX
mansion12-> XxIronFistxX
fay6-> MagicalPanguin
yacht2-> MehLife
h804-> Torynx
h123-> IronGamer777
boat1-> MadRhapsody
bludsky-1-> Mintyness
h798-> Steeeele
Sundae is going to be setting you guys to owners as soon as she can, and there's some lil gifts for a few of you <33
Good luck to everyone in the future, and I will miss everyone immensely. I will be getting rid of my discord later today, so there will be no point messaging it. I will become completely inactive on forums and the server, mainly because of personal reasons. It huts so much to have left this wonderful community, and I will never forget the memories that have been created on the server.. I love you all and good luck in life <3
nsky1-> Bpacer
h234-> ramdon_person
amansion-1-> Spyders_Crypt
row1-> 2704Patrick
star-city-sealine-> __Poseidon_
h41-> poprock190000
loeyhouse-> Pengy2552
star-city-12-> tishk2008
bludsky-6-> CreeperCJG
city-plot4-> 8x16
fay1-> knight3000
a90-> JustYourTypical
H3-> CreeperC JG
gorgetown-6 -> PotatoBuddies
cottage-> Death_Inferno360
mini_mansion-1-> trump15024
rb-hotel-> Icel
police_training-> mehlife
star-city-41-> Vexecs
plot402-> 2704Patrick
star-city-23-> shakaar12
h1111-> Puffyblaze
fay8-> Jakobjpar
nekokingdom-> koekie_w
h799-> NinjaGaming23
h303-> Wheelbarrels
bludsky-2-> TwistedL0gic
t012-> XxIronFistxX
mansion12-> XxIronFistxX
fay6-> MagicalPanguin
yacht2-> MehLife
h804-> Torynx
h123-> IronGamer777
boat1-> MadRhapsody
bludsky-1-> Mintyness
h798-> Steeeele
Sundae is going to be setting you guys to owners as soon as she can, and there's some lil gifts for a few of you <33
Good luck to everyone in the future, and I will miss everyone immensely. I will be getting rid of my discord later today, so there will be no point messaging it. I will become completely inactive on forums and the server, mainly because of personal reasons. It huts so much to have left this wonderful community, and I will never forget the memories that have been created on the server.. I love you all and good luck in life <3