What are the 5 reasons to jail? Murder, Drugs, Assault, Illegal guns, Trespassing.
What is tp jailing and can you do it? Tping to a player or someone they're with and jailing them.
Name some commands you know police can use. /duty /incidents /release /invsee
What is the bail for 1-5 kills? What is the bail for 1-5 drugs? $500 each
Did you read the Police Guide on the forums? Yes
Why do you want to be police? Catch them criminals and it seems fun.
Do you have a criminal record? If so, for what. Killing people but it was self defense I swear.
What is tp jailing and can you do it? Tping to a player or someone they're with and jailing them.
Name some commands you know police can use. /duty /incidents /release /invsee
What is the bail for 1-5 kills? What is the bail for 1-5 drugs? $500 each
Did you read the Police Guide on the forums? Yes
Why do you want to be police? Catch them criminals and it seems fun.
Do you have a criminal record? If so, for what. Killing people but it was self defense I swear.