Police Application !

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New Member
Dec 19, 2015
Minecraft username: iKremes

/ar time: 11 days, 14 hours, and 25 minutes ( I've been on longer than that , Check when I joined the website :p )

What is your rank on the server? : Citizen

What are the 5 reasons to jail?: Assault, Murder, Trespassing, Illegal Guns, & Possession of drugs.
What is tp jailing and can you do it?: No, I cannot tp jail neither can I ./fly in jail as it counts as cheating and unfair roleplay.

Name some commands you know police can use: /duty , /invsee , /getpos , and /co i

What is the bail for 1-5 kills? What is the bail for 1-5 drugs?: Based on the information I read on the Police Guide, " 1-5 kills $500.00 ", and as for the drugs

Did you read the Police Guide on the forums? Yes, And I so highly understand every part of it.

Why do you want to be police?: Because I feel as if I'd bring better change to the community and again, create change because everyone knows, that the police now and days aren't really helping citizens and every day I see myself, my friends, and even strangers being killed on the streets of MCCITIES and I'm guessing that people want this change too and I feel as if I can provide that change and I will also be open minded to ideas that the community has to share with me concerning add ons to plugins and much more (I will consult with Minister of S or Head of Police to see if it is possible and reasonable).

Do you have a criminal record? If so, for what?: No, I've never been jailed on the server.
Last edited:
Oct 26, 2016
I know it's not there but I'm a police and thats also a command but I don't think they will deny you for that


Oct 25, 2016
Thanks for taking the time to apply! I can see you've put thought and effort into this application, and you definitely know what to do as an officer! I will promote you ig ASAP, have a nice day.
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