Accepted PurpleTurkey's Teacher Application !

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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Mar 22, 2017
4 Privet Drive
  • What is your rank on the server? - Architect / used to be millionaire (but now citizen rip)
  • What is your /ar check time? my /ar time is : 15 days , 10 hours, and 15 minutes.
  • How often can you play on the server? I play on this server atleast one hour a day, but since it's summer, I have been more active than usual :p .
  • Why do you want to become a teacher? - I want to be a teacher to help the learners of McCities and spread my knowledge on certain topics. I was previously a teacher, and I thought my classes were pretty fun, but also got a lot of information in.
  • What do you want to teach? Please include 2-3 topics, in case one of them are already occupied. - I would like to teach Computing (The last class I taught), or music / music theory. (Or both :p ). I would like to emphasize, that I would prefer being the computing teacher again. I have a good knowledge of computer parts, softwares/programs, and even basic coding. A few months ago, I also built my PC XD
  • What would you do if a student wasn't behaving during class? - If a student wasn't behaving in class, I usually gave them a few warnings (depending on the severity of the act), but after those warnings, I would send them straight to the Principal or VP.
  • Do you agree to be a good role model? As a teacher, you should be responsible and follow the law. - As a teacher I agree to be a role model, responsible, and follow the law. Making sure new players/students understand the server rules/laws plays a large part in this server as it determines how they might play.
  • Do you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about teaching? - Achoo!
(Ign) PurpleTurkey
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