Remove /as info forsale.


Active Member
Jan 16, 2019
The Anonymous Bunker
Okay, I'll probably get lots of hate for making this suggestion but I don't care.

So first of all, a problem with /as info forsale is that only a couple players can get the plots that go on /as info forsale. Time zones. The server restarts at 1 pm for some players, and for others at 4 am. The amount of people that can 'snipe' those houses, is small. Houses go on forsale for 20k, and sell for 400k. Easy profit for those people. Nothing wrong with that, but I think that if we want to save the economy, the houses that used to go on forsale, should be auctioned by (higher) staff, and the money should go to the dust bin.

At the moment, there is no way people can spend money on something that helps the economy. The money keeps on coming. This was the first thing that came up in my mind to reduce the inflation. I think that auctioning the houses that go on /forsale would help taking a little bit money out of the community. We have to start small, but the outcome will b big. The chances of getting a house will b more even as well.

Let me know what you think :D


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
my messenger pigeon
Your argument about timezones is unfair, most of the things happen during that US and EU timezone anyway, this is probably the one thing that players on this side of the world can have

But yes often the plots sell for way to cheap, but I believe it is determined by how much it was sold for in the past or something.


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
mhm it is just a way to make some easy money in 15m. And yes most people don't have acces to it cuz it's in the middle of the night etc etc.
Also the server would benefit more if thebhouses went to staff first so they can sell the houses for a good price and then the money just gets snapped so we have a small/big money sink.

Also only about 5 players i know really benefitted from this principal. It's just not really fair. The old items should not be deleated btw, they can go to a museum or auctioned off. Add something to the server.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
another server e.e
when staff did that before and took it into their own hands, things didn’t work out well. they kept it for themselves or resold it for the same price as forsale would have. everyone says plots go for like 20k but i literally spent 650k or more on plots the other day and would only make little amount back. almost every plot i bought was 100k+. the prices are fair if you’re one of the few to log on and try to snipe you would see. taking away forsale will just make earning money for certain players a pain because they rely on being a realtor and selling back plots. like pengy said, i used to buy those plots for 0 a few years ago and was given a price to pay for it. those prices are put in place now. most people i know who snipe plots do it for the thrill of it. the possibilities of getting something rare, a competition against others, it’s literally just like robbing the bank. we can’t limit who robs, so why would we limit who gets plots? if people are sincerely concerned and upset with not getting plots, then wake up for them or something. i know quite a few people who either stay up late or wake up early. i personally stay up until around 12 am up to 1-2 depending on if i get plots. sometimes it takes a lot more time behind the scenes than people realize. the amount of loot to move, waiting to see if plots resell at a later time, etc... /as info forsale has been a thing for years. bank robbing has aswell and got brought back even after its set backs. if it gets removed and enough complaints occur then it’ll just be added again. no point really. everyone makes money in their own ways. i’ve learned to deal with it and so have others. i just don’t see how it’s that big of a problem to remove it. put time and effort into it and make the profit instead of complaining. simple as that


Active Member
Jan 16, 2019
The Anonymous Bunker
It's not about those certain people making money out of it. My main goal is getting some money out of the economy, and this is the way that will work quite fast. Or do we want to get even more inflation? Maybe in a month or 4, 100 million is normal... Once again, it's not to stop those players from making money this way, it's for reducing the inflation.
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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
I am just going to say this, the plots are not 'fair priced' otherwise we wouldn't be complaining.
Also it's not about the 'fun' you 4 are having. It's not about dedication or hard work. It's logging on 15m a day at the right time, getting to the plots and then you made some money.

It's not fair in the sense that not everyone can do this as basically it's about who has the fastest computer and can logg in on the server the fastest. Wow what a skill. (also you might want to move to another timezone so you don't have to stay up until 4am every day to take part into this 'fun')

Also it deeef doesn't help anyone, if the server would run the reselling then
-houses would be sold for a fair price
-inflation gets fought by a few 100k every now and then because the revenue of the houses goes into the server not to a player.
-Mansions and special plots wouldn't fall into the hands of a selected few.
-Rare items can be auctioned or given away in events so everyone has a chance at getting a rare item (basically for free, as the house you buy from /as info reselling almost never costs more)

Now the point you are getting at is that everyone can do this, but they can't cuz otherwise everyone would be doing this. Also this is kinda the same as the whole blaze grinder, spider grinder, etc etc. People found a way to make a lot of money in a short time by selling blazerods or spidereye's, the server saw that this was hurting the rest of the economy so they nerfed it. Rich players complained that they were being stopped from being rich. (which wasn't the case, the server just wants you to either set up a smarter system or work harder)

Tbh I can understand that you might get more bored if this is taken away, but that's not the reason why players want forsale removed. We want it removed to make the game more fair as not everyone has acces to this way of making money.

Don't forget that some beautifull houses go on forsale, so the regular never gets a chance to get a house they like because a selected group of 4/5 people gets all the good plots first and then overprices them?

Last but not least, the point you made about getting bored just shows that this server is too focussed on making money and not focused on the roleplay, the fun and community parts. The events and minigames and whatnot. Tbh there are 0 active companies that hire more than 5 people, this is a city roleplay! Cities should be filled with big companies hiring people to do small jobs, earning small pays but having a ton of fun!

Removing /as forsale in my opinion brings more good than bad, it only affects 5 people negatively and the rest of the server positively.


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Mar 22, 2017
4 Privet Drive
It's not about those certain people making money out of it. My main goal is getting some money out of the economy, and this is the way that will work quite fast. Or do we want to get even more inflation? Maybe in a month or 4, 100 million is normal... Once again, it's not to stop those players from making money this way, it's for reducing the inflation.
You are suggesting that these (presumably not American time-zone) players are the ones starting the cycle of “selling houses for more than they’re worth”. Now I get where you’re coming from with the economic concern, but undercutting one group WILL NOT solve the problem.

Im not sure if this is what you were looking for but the current ‘best’ solution it to have plots go on for sale as soon as a player reavhes 2 months of inactivity. It’s adds a somewhat random factor (so that it requires more effort to track a player’s properties), but on the other hand it does favor North American players

Sry for typos posted this on my phone
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