Ok.I understand.I am very sorry you felt akward and unwelcomed here.Since then we have hiired new cooks, and suppliers.We have also improved our services since then.If you are willing, i might be able to arrange a sort of redo.Basically I will pay you to give the Eggs-Cafe a second chance.Essaintally I would pay you a fair amount of money.Then you tp to the Eggs-Cafe and dine there once again.Hopefully the expirience will show you how we have improved our service and speed since your last visit.If you like our expirience and service, our cafe will be reedemed in your eyes, you will have been payed, and you get to enjoy our expirience.If you do not enjoy your expirience, I will not harrass you about the cafe, your review, ect.In addition, you will have been payed, and gotten some food. I will be paying you 3000, which is more than sufficient to pay your bill.Are you intrested in this redo?FYI, it will be me paying you personally, not the cafe.It would happen in around 2 weeks.