Rule Change


New Member
Feb 24, 2019
Mckinney Tx
I have found that some of the rules on the server are a bit too strict and so have several of my peers. The particular rule in question is the one concerning names. I have talked with several people about my former name FertileEgg and they also said that it wasn't inappropriate and I shouldn't haven been banned for it. They find it unfair that someone named JellyJockstrap could continue to use the server but someone named FertileEgg could not. I do appreciate you taking the time to read this and perhaps change the rule.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2019
In my opinion, it's not that the rules are strict, the punishments are. Since some players don't know what true definition of "glitching" or "scamming" on this server and so much more, it often results in catastrophic punishments unacceptable for new players. For example, I know a newbie who made an afk farm (I told him to dismantle it) and he nearly got an eco wipe. I feel like we need to give these people a new chance to change. They shouldn't make glitching or harassment a perm ban for the first offense (except for hacking, of course).