What are 5 reasons to jail?
1. Murder
2. Owning illegal drugs
3. Trespassing
4. Assault
5. Using guns without a license
What is tp jailing and can you do it?
Where you purposely teleport to someone who just committed a crime and jail them for it. This is NOT allowed.
Name some commands you know police can use.
/invsee, /getpos, /duty
What is the bail for 1-5 kills? what is the bail for 1-5 drugs?
For 1-5 kills bail is $500 and for 1-5 drugs the bail is also $500.
Did you read the Police Guide on the forums?
Yes I did and I agree with them.
Why do you want to be police?
I am really getting bored of what I'm doing right now (nothing), I really respect police and would like to become one, and I like to help out and I would LOVE to help the server out by becoming police!!!
Do you have a criminal record? If so, for what?
Umm from what I know right now not really any from what I can think of.
1. Murder
2. Owning illegal drugs
3. Trespassing
4. Assault
5. Using guns without a license
What is tp jailing and can you do it?
Where you purposely teleport to someone who just committed a crime and jail them for it. This is NOT allowed.
Name some commands you know police can use.
/invsee, /getpos, /duty
What is the bail for 1-5 kills? what is the bail for 1-5 drugs?
For 1-5 kills bail is $500 and for 1-5 drugs the bail is also $500.
Did you read the Police Guide on the forums?
Yes I did and I agree with them.
Why do you want to be police?
I am really getting bored of what I'm doing right now (nothing), I really respect police and would like to become one, and I like to help out and I would LOVE to help the server out by becoming police!!!
Do you have a criminal record? If so, for what?
Umm from what I know right now not really any from what I can think of.