

Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2017
Hey everyone,
Most of you know I’m in LOVE with the server and it pretty much means a lot to me. I literally spend all my afternoons on cities making efforts to step forward and have more fun. I would play about 4hours a day, it was a whole lot.
But lately… I haven’t had that motivation like I used to, everyday is the same: I go on, wait a few min, text, they leave, I jail people who did crimes during the time being, check licenses, stay at bank, listen to people saying, “have fun trying to get me” (or worst) , I get them, they accuse me of /jail?, then I leave. I had many extremely pressuring moments, and I have severe anxiety attacks, and I’m not sure if I can keep continuing. I wouldn’t usually reveal this type of info, but this is quite a big part.

I “Suffer” from Stable Angina. If you’d like you can search it up. Stable Angina is a symptom that cause sharp pain in your chest, which physical activity or overwhelming stress will cause it. It a pretty big subject, as it leads over to Angina. Most often, this occurs when I play McCities and when people pressure me to a limit. I have told them to calm down (I was SHAKING cause I was stressing a lot because they yelled at me for doing the bail but I was combat tagged in local and they threatened me) but that doesn’t usually happens and then I feel harsh pain in my chest and it’s simply not healthy for me.

I want to be clear, I try to stay active on cities because I truly don’t want to quit. As I made a earlier inactive thread, I didn’t do anything about it because I was addicted. I couldn’t stop going on and playing for hours. This had to come to a end, my grades showed it. Cities has distracted me lots and brought my grades way down. If I continue, I could be kicked out of my school.

I do not want to resign from cop at the moment.
It hasn’t been a fun time and I always get asked for licenses, but it doesn’t mean I want to resign now. Thanks to @Leanne, cities has been so much fun but it gets severe afterwars like I said in the beginning.

I officially say I will be extremely inactive, and result to a partial quit
, I may be on daily to check in on everything, open jitters for frosty, take care of my parrots and ginnys , rent my apts and finally I’ll try to jail and work my job as much as I can (who knows I may get promoted in 60 years or demoted – oh no)
Thank You so much to everyone below for making cities a 2nd home to me:
@Optic Ginny. You have been my best online friend and you always understand me, I will miss u so much and im sad u quit also :( Ilysm I hope i get on with u
@Naomi_Plays Nemo. You are banned but that never prevents our friendship we have. I miss u so much and I'll see u on hypixel ;)
@Davina (hehehe ur a new frand but ur rlylllyll nice)
@Uni What is there to say, you soooo nice and ilysm ur so nice and long frand with so many memories
@ILaxSkill frand
@Toasty Waffle
@LeanneTheUnicorn (tysm for cop i LOVE it :D)
@the cop team in general
@arch team ahah
@Lily u idk ur forums but ilysm
I gtg ill tag more later ;)
OMG everyones going inactive these days... I didnt really know you cause I wasnt here for very long but good luck with life!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
Hey, I don't know you too well but let me preface with this -
Don't let anyone put you down. Don't let anyone push you to your limits (in a bad way). Confidence is the key to living your life in the best way you can and if people try to put you down for that then shame on them.

You be yourself, you do whatever you want, you wear that like its a badge on your chest and keep your head up high. Anyone says "youre bad lol", "you cant jail me XD", "u used reach XD" then ignore them. What do they matter? Try your best to not let it get to your head, it's never a good feeling. I'm sorry to hear about situation with Stable Angina and the fact its a result of all these neckbeards screaming at you for no reason makes it even more haunting.

For what its worth, youre a good cop :] and from when I have talked to you, you're cool.
I know this is very out of the ordinary, im not much of a commenter on the forums, but seeing a post like this I just had to say something.

Good luck with everything the future holds. I hope this break can give you healthiness and happiness.
tysm :eek: its a death wannabe- jkjk tysm realu and ur a pretty good new friend :D I'll miss u lots and this was quite motivating mwahaha, ill miss u but keep in touch :D


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
OMG everyones going inactive these days... I didnt really know you cause I wasnt here for very long but good luck with life!
ya thats true, but ty!!! Hope to catch you somewhat online and get to know you!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
aww bye totqlly naquthy police officer D: ill miss ya so much, even though we didnt get to talk a ton I still loved seeing you run out and jail peoples xD i hope to cya soon, get them good grades and go be an uber student :p cyaa

mwahahah personal jail stalker ;) You still cant spell my usernamee right hehe nauqthy nauqthy nauqthy ur a good helper and hope to cya soon if ever i go on hehe!


Active Member
Mar 3, 2017
Where ever Nemo lives
Ena, you are a great friend to me even if it has only been a few months. I'm grateful that I'm your friend and you followed your passion to be a cop on cities. It's sad that you are quitting because of some rude comments that overwhelm you or your symptoms . I just want to say you're a strong women that can get threw anything. You're a good cop and it was fun watching you chase me. Remember when. we had a cafè together and you didn't know how to make sf because you forgot? Times like this are good memories and good memories will always be remembered. You better msg me on discord so we can chat. Don't even forget about me :giigle:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2017
i noticed :)miss u lots gibf (guy internet best friend heeheheh) I still have amh39 :3
Miss ye much

really? you still have amh39? have you made any renovations? ;D

I kind of became inactive because of Fortnite, hehe.
Also because I'm playing more and more minecraft modpacks. :p
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
Miss ye much

really? you still have amh39? have you made any renovations? ;D

I kind of became inactive because of Fortnite, hehe.
Also because I'm playing more and more minecraft modpacks. :p
well im planinng on rebuild it bigger :O but i might sell it idk :( I want to hire an arch but eh
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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2018
The Police Station
EEEEK, NUUUU totqlly/naquthy/ena :'(. I wish you the absolute best of luck with everything and good on you for stepping up and taking a break. Hope you do well in school :D. We will all miss you being on so often. Good luck with everything in the future. Will miss teaming up on those crims and then the satisfication of finally catching them bahah. Good luck with school haha. Cya Ena :'(
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
EEEEK, NUUUU totqlly/naquthy/ena :'(. I wish you the absolute best of luck with everything and good on you for stepping up and taking a break. Hope you do well in school :D. We will all miss you being on so often. Good luck with everything in the future. Will miss teaming up on those crims and then the satisfication of finally catching them bahah. Good luck with school haha. Cya Ena :'(
awh ill miss u bestie hehehehehehehhehehehe :(
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
I am sad to hear that you are leaving... but I understand how there can be a lot of pressure being police. I want to thank you for your help with the force and hope to see you around some time. I wish you the best of luck, We are always here if you need anything :)
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Sad to see you leave. I didn't really get to know you that well but saw you doing police work. Good luck with everything!


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2017
Hey everyone,
Most of you know I’m in LOVE with the server and it pretty much means a lot to me. I literally spend all my afternoons on cities making efforts to step forward and have more fun. I would play about 4hours a day, it was a whole lot.
But lately… I haven’t had that motivation like I used to, everyday is the same: I go on, wait a few min, text, they leave, I jail people who did crimes during the time being, check licenses, stay at bank, listen to people saying, “have fun trying to get me” (or worst) , I get them, they accuse me of /jail?, then I leave. I had many extremely pressuring moments, and I have severe anxiety attacks, and I’m not sure if I can keep continuing. I wouldn’t usually reveal this type of info, but this is quite a big part.

I “Suffer” from Stable Angina. If you’d like you can search it up. Stable Angina is a symptom that cause sharp pain in your chest, which physical activity or overwhelming stress will cause it. It a pretty big subject, as it leads over to Angina. Most often, this occurs when I play McCities and when people pressure me to a limit. I have told them to calm down (I was SHAKING cause I was stressing a lot because they yelled at me for doing the bail but I was combat tagged in local and they threatened me) but that doesn’t usually happens and then I feel harsh pain in my chest and it’s simply not healthy for me.

I want to be clear, I try to stay active on cities because I truly don’t want to quit. As I made a earlier inactive thread, I didn’t do anything about it because I was addicted. I couldn’t stop going on and playing for hours. This had to come to a end, my grades showed it. Cities has distracted me lots and brought my grades way down. If I continue, I could be kicked out of my school.

I do not want to resign from cop at the moment.
It hasn’t been a fun time and I always get asked for licenses, but it doesn’t mean I want to resign now. Thanks to @Leanne, cities has been so much fun but it gets severe afterwars like I said in the beginning.

I officially say I will be extremely inactive, and result to a partial quit
, I may be on daily to check in on everything, open jitters for frosty, take care of my parrots and ginnys , rent my apts and finally I’ll try to jail and work my job as much as I can (who knows I may get promoted in 60 years or demoted – oh no)
Thank You so much to everyone below for making cities a 2nd home to me:
@Optic Ginny. You have been my best online friend and you always understand me, I will miss u so much and im sad u quit also :( Ilysm I hope i get on with u
@Naomi_Plays Nemo. You are banned but that never prevents our friendship we have. I miss u so much and I'll see u on hypixel ;)
@Davina (hehehe ur a new frand but ur rlylllyll nice)
@Uni What is there to say, you soooo nice and ilysm ur so nice and long frand with so many memories
@ILaxSkill frand
@Toasty Waffle
@LeanneTheUnicorn (tysm for cop i LOVE it :D)
@the cop team in general
@arch team ahah
@Lily u idk ur forums but ilysm
I gtg ill tag more later ;)
Hunny-booboo, no. If any1 puts pressure on you, latino slap em. Slap em hard sister! I wish I was there for you more often, and noticed behind that smile, is someone that needed a hand, we all do. We're all h00mans (sorry chicos) And we must move on AND YUSS! LAX IS FINALLY ACCEPTED BY ONE OF MY FRIENDS *cough Lily cough* her forums name is Lilyshasavan btws, Lets talk more, tell me if u really need help in the future, I'm sure to help. Ik Arch gets me excited on building, but it doesn't go above friendship (usually) LOVE YA, MISS YA, BYE DEAR <3
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
I am sad to hear that you are leaving... but I understand how there can be a lot of pressure being police. I want to thank you for your help with the force and hope to see you around some time. I wish you the best of luck, We are always here if you need anything :)
thanks a lot, i will definetly miss the forceso much more but i<ll still be on times to times ;D
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
Hunny-booboo, no. If any1 puts pressure on you, latino slap em. Slap em hard sister! I wish I was there for you more often, and noticed behind that smile, is someone that needed a hand, we all do. We're all h00mans (sorry chicos) And we must move on AND YUSS! LAX IS FINALLY ACCEPTED BY ONE OF MY FRIENDS *cough Lily cough* her forums name is Lilyshasavan btws, Lets talk more, tell me if u really need help in the future, I'm sure to help. Ik Arch gets me excited on building, but it doesn't go above friendship (usually) LOVE YA, MISS YA, BYE DEAR <3
ill miss chu uni :((((( ilysm :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2017
k adding on to the list (im at school):
@Gjegevey ill miss u luvo
@eddy eh u were fun to jail but ill miss u
@blu3skyler mortal enemy but i like creaming at u for me? :3
@CP42 for helping me out times to times
@sundae22 ty for being such a good person and good market hehe
@FroztyStars ty for letting have the chance to open jitters, i will still open them and restock everything
@xXSlimexCubeXx Owen? thx for being an awesome friend :3 ill miss u keep in touch!
sry if i forgot u <3
wow i like being late on forums stuff, but xoxo bb ;*