Simon32336 arch app

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2018
i didn't know if i had to remake my arch app because i was banned, a/o that ppl saw u used hiphops app as a template, and thought i just stole the whole thing
but here ya go anyway <3 hope you like it
1. What is your username?

My username name is Simon32336

2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check)

My server rank is Citizen.

3. Do you have a discord account? (Yes | No | Willing to make one)

Yes, my discord is Simon32336#9515

4. What builds would you like to submit? (/plot home <number>)

I like to submit 2 buildings! (/plot tp 2)(there is a mid evil build, and a modern build behind it)

5. Why do you want to be an architect?

I have an interest for architecture in real life. I plan on going to college for construction, and i love being able to make people houses/buildings and being able to say i built that

6. How would you contribute to community projects?

i would try my best to help any and all people that i can, i mainly build to show off to people, because i find it kind of easy to build things(midevil not modern, i'm decent at modern arch. but not the best) i would see if i could lower my prices depening on sed persons budget, as i love being able to walk past someones house and say i built that, i hope you consider my application, :) even if i don't get it anyone who would like something to be built just dm me either ig or discord <3 u all
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