Has been a while since I created a thread, have had internet issues lately so was pretty hard to browse the internet and get online.
Anyway, I'd like to inform you all that from this moment I'll be stepping down from my positions as an owner and staff admin, for the reason is this; I no longer have the time to do my duties. Life currently requires my full attention, so by doing so I will not be active and just be hurting the server if I stay. Me leaving should not have negative effects on the server. Updates should come out regularly, and maybe even better than before.
It has definitely been quite the journey to me, starting three years ago as a regular player learning about the server to climbing the rank ladder up to owner. Had my fun and sad moments on this server, but it always was the community, staff and friends that drove me to keep going, and goes without saying my friend Stan,
@Admin who I have seen wonders with over the time I have stayed, such a nice and genuine person. Full respect to him.
Then comes my nemesis,
@nibble who I have seen improve over time, whether in administration, coding or communication.. one can't deny his work and dedication. I am sure you will bring McCities to even greater heights with such an amazing community and staff team on your side. Truly proud of you and your virtual kittens.
The amazing people and friends I have met over the years definitely deserve a shoutout. I'm sure I will be missing a few, so sorry if I don't mention your name, but goes without saying that you'd know your worth to me if we ever talked.
@Heather @DarkMagicinY @Izzie @laggynab @LeanneTheUnicorn @sundae22 @EnderPoop @Turkey @JustYourTypical , the community and staff team. Love you, thanks for the wonderful times.
Forgive me if I was ever rough on you, I usually don't mean to (unless you deserved it, in that case I'm not sorry

I will be watching McCities from the sidelines. Will I have an active role? No, but I'll try and help if I could, but I officially have no powers in major decisions and over staff anymore. Kiri will be in charge of that, with the help of the staff team.
And I guess here it ends for me. Hope next time I pay a visit I find you all happy and satisfied, and if you ever need to talk with me, always welcomed to do so on Discord.
Stay safe and healthy everyone, farewell.