Suggestion for Police


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2016
1) The 24 hour Police lookout- 1 Senior Police for 24 hours = 24 senior police with their group of junior police that know each other very well (that means they are good with teamwork) and are from the same timezone
2) New Jail Island- Island to stay long term and think about what they have done, they can do work in a worse version of /warp farm, /warp mine and have access to fishing. They are locked in perpetual /local chat and do not have permissions to do /ad, /global, /auction house /ah, /warps and all that. Warden department for mccities police to moderate local chat maybe? And Regeneration Beacon on the island too, so they can't die? Players can open chests and furnaces and stuff to make up escape plans I suppose.
3) Police only discord and maybe a twitch to privately livestream arrests and create detailed reports of players to aid in future arrests. Maybe the discord will have the locations of plots of criminals that have been doing the naughty too often lol.
4) Justice or the law? What should the police follow more? Personal justice might mean doing things the right way, but we don't always know the right thing to do. That's why we follow strict laws, however those laws don't always apply to everything. That's why there is a human judge and a bunch of votes I guess?..
5) Let me know what you think?


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2016
1) The 24 hour Police lookout- 1 Senior Police for 24 hours = 24 senior police with their group of junior police that know each other very well (that means they are good with teamwork) and are from the same timezone
Constructive Criticism includes: Hey! There aren't enough police to do this, and what do we do about the extra officers in the same timezone?
my response: Time to create new officer jobs that are not that hard to get into, so there can be more officers(These officers can have less permissions like they can't arrest and only record for the police discord)? Or hire more officers, I guess a place to mass produce police officers that have the correct mindset needs to be built? A training area to train arresting skills, rule following and other things that I can't think of (pls add)
2) New Jail Island- Island to stay long term and think about what they have done, they can do work in a worse version of /warp farm, /warp mine and have access to fishing. They are locked in perpetual /local chat and do not have permissions to do /ad, /global, /auction house /ah, /warps and all that. Warden department for mccities police to moderate local chat maybe? And Regeneration Beacon on the island too, so they can't die? Players can open chests and furnaces and stuff to make up escape plans I suppose.
Constructive Criticism: We already have a good place to put criminals in for a few minutes, and they can bail to get out of jail so they can start pvping again. and all the architects are super busy, I don't think we can build an entire island. This idea is too ambitious. Wouldn't a regeneration beacon be rewarding prisoners with infinite life or something? Long term prisoners?? That would make players quit the server with how boring that can be! Can't the prisoners Glitch out of the prison and no one will know? The prisoners can throw drugs at each other and smoke weed in the cells right?
My response: The current jail is just a single jail cell which is fit for a small amount of prisoners that are kept there for a few minutes. I.. am trying to make imprisonment a new way to play mccities ._. Yeah.. I guess you are right about not being able to build an entire island.. but.. maybe in a few years that might become possible if we build it slowly bit by bit? The idea is ofcourse too ambitious :( You have the right to say that it is, I was just making up an idea, however D: Don't just dismiss the idea okay? It's time to discuss why it is too ambitious and how to downscale the project. The regeneration beacon means people who want to kill themselves via hunger can't do that right? It is the only solution to that I can think of, fall damage can be negated with plugins just like /warp shop right now. Yeah.. being a prisoner can be boring but I think fun games for prisoners are required to make their stay hospitable ._. prisoners came to mccities to enjoy minecraft and not suffer in a cage. Yup.. glitches, I think building the prison underground+ blocking all the connecting caves and putting a.... 3 block wall between places will prevent it? Plus, redstone doors instead of iron doors where they can be placed. I think there is a plugin to prevent people from throwing items out? Or should the prisoners just sit around and smoke away their limited supply of drugs till they run out.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2016
By the way I ran out of time today I can't address the other points (3,4)..
3) Police only discord and maybe a twitch to privately livestream arrests and create detailed reports of players to aid in future arrests. Maybe the discord will have the locations of plots of criminals that have been doing the naughty too often lol.
Constructive criticism: (We already have a police only discord) I actually don't know if this is true or not, is it true? A twitch account?? Are you biased? Why not another platform and why do they need to be livestreams? What is the purpose of this, to video people? Not everyone wants to video tape and be video taped. Who will view the livestream? Create detailed reports?? I don't think police have time to be doing that nor will that be useful. Discord will have locations of plots that criminals use?? That is stalking isn't it? And aren't criminals allowed privacy? What will the police do with all that information? They might steal items or something.

My response: If there is a police only discord, then I guess one officer can be the admin that operates the discord, ensuring civil discussion and what not. If a discord is not there then imo one should be made. Well.. I don't care about the method of livestreaming, if it's on youtube or twitch I don't mind lol, They don't need to be livestreams but.. in real life seals used to livestream stuff and send it back to their superiors. like err sorry if I am being controversial.. the assault on osama bin ladin. If you don't want to livestream, then okay.. video taping is fine. The real help that doing this gives is more information about the officer's skills, their tactics, criminals' tactics and just more information in general. Maybe these assaults can be played in officer training classes or something. Yeah.. I understand that not everyone wants to install software and what not when they are playing minecraft, and not everyone wants to be taped when they are being criminals. This is a suggestion and a choice for the minister. Well, whether to create detailed reports of each criminal is also a suggestion and a choice for the minister. Doing this will make it easier to fight criminals since you know what they will do next (whether they will flee or fight when things get bad). Criminals are entitled to their privacy, however if someone secretly studies people and makes reports out of their habits and stuff, no one will know and they will exist. If the police does this, then criminals will start changing their ways and start being vigilant. Exploring new boundaries is how the world works. Without testing something, no one can find out if it is a good idea or not. It will be a fun challenge for both sides to overcome. Well.. whether the information is useful does depend on what that information is, maybe something useful can be found out or maybe this is all just entirely useless and a waste of time. Police officers do have lives and shouldn't waste all their time making reports I suppose.. But a specialized group of criminal researchers can be a new department of the police. Discord having locations of criminal plots is an idea of a detailed report that can be created and discord is perhaps a place to catalogue the reports and findings. Yeah.. it is stalking, and that is why this is a choice for the minister, whether this is ethically pleasing or not. They are ofcourse allowed privacy, snooping around their waste bins is just too much, time to go snoop at our own wastebins. The police can do many things with this information, perhaps it will help prevent future crimes and it will be useful in making effective strategies against individual targets, which is the main demographic of criminals since err.. I haven't seen good teamwork at all from criminal sadly, maybe I just haven't seen any and you guys are doing really well lol. They.. ofcourse might steal items, and I think ethics and morality should be addressed heavily during police training.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2016
4) Justice or the law? What should the police follow more? Personal justice might mean doing things the right way, but we don't always know the right thing to do. That's why we follow strict laws, however those laws don't always apply to everything. That's why there is a human judge and a bunch of votes I guess?..
Constructive Criticism: eh? Justice? we are just playing a game bruh, and law? laws are meant to be broken!! f*** the police! Heck yeah! AnArChyyyY!!

My response: Ok so.. justice.. It's a vague concept sadly, it is defined by morals and everyone's morals are different. That is why laws are created, these are the morals that the Majority agree upon. These are set in stone even though I don't like that.. I mean.. even with the server rules imo there should be perm mute, but there isn't a perm mute. Do be wary that I am not at all even close to be talking about what is right and wrong.. especially about something as controversial as server rules and police laws. I have skimmed through loads of discussions about what is right or wrong in the forums and discord cause I just don't understand much of anything lol. Yeah so, it IS a game, yeah, so I don't think any of this should be taken so seriously? a game shouldn't add to your stress (unless you are a (non-sexual)masochist) Even if something is controversial, because we Care deeply about something (server rules&police law) we shouldn't start yelling about it even with proof. Imo I think you should get to know the person who is asking questions personally before doing anything? I know that's a lot to ask but if you go be friends or something, then you can see through their lenses and you might start agreeing with atleast some of what they are saying. Perhaps they just don't know how to report things and you can help with that. So, that was about dealing with sayings against laws that seem just and all encompassing. Err, this is going to be very controversial but in Real life there are things like 2nd degrees and 3rd degrees of charges because not everything is all encompassing because the laws come from people and people aren't perfect. The laws aren't meant to be broken according the voices of the people that make the law since it's the best that they could come with and they did try their very best at making those laws and everyone else is following the laws. In my opinion police training should be heavily focused on law and order even though this is a difficult thing to make a training program out of.. I will think of a few ideas and post them, you should also do the same if you want to help. Perhaps this will take a few years according to the speed of things. The police laws, can be broken without much damage since there is no harm is taking drugs ingame and killing people. killing people does decrease their kill/death ratio which is a requirement to enter some gangs. And perhaps killing people in the future will become even more damaging to victims? keep inventory off in the future? It's more realistic ._. I know that this maybe a bad idea but we won't know if we don't try and that goes for anything. I think the suggestion should be experimented with atleast a little bit.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2016
I love this laggy! You added so much detail to reasoning, I think adding some of these aspects to police would be really cool to the server and the entire roleplay part of things.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2016
I have a few more
I love this laggy! You added so much detail to reasoning, I think adding some of these aspects to police would be really cool to the server and the entire roleplay part of things.
Thanks alot! By the way I really appreciate you building undeadland :D You already know that death_infernoe360's fav colors are black and orange right? I hope you add your own favorite colors to the build as well :D I really wonder what they are? It is a joy to see you working hard on something as family.

By the way, yeah.. I am going to ask someone to edit the bla bla that we can barely read over here ._. Sorry it's such a mess.. and I have EVEN MORE shower thoughts to write down, maybe tomorrow? I have to study sadly
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2016
6) Policing is a way of life in real life, they do recreational activities like playing basketball together, run training in the morning together and do their jobs together. So.. I think senior police and their group of junior officers and also other brigades I will introduce in the future should do recreational activities together to prevent stress from piling over them in spades. The activities they could participate in are.. skywars in other servers together? bedwars? I dunno lol, people like different things so I guess they can do what they wanna. The main thing is stress removal and bonding over things.

7) New brigades? That do specific things, like.. what shall we name normal police that go after criminals? AT assault team? That go hunt criminals when they do crimes. Warden Team WT that stay in the prison and moderate. Research Team RT that stays in police station basement to create slimefun and redstone stuff for the police? Manufacture Team MT mass produces multitools, slimeboots, jetpacks. Warrent Team WT2 actively searches plots to find drugs and catalogues plots with drugs for removal and eviction. A force sanctioned (they get paid to) by the police go and grief drug dens in the wild? Is that a good idea or a bad idea.. SWAT that kill people in wild. There is no use for a fire brigade since there aren't any fires. But coast guard? Rescue Team RTs to help people who have lost their items in the deep oceans.. I have seen people loose their items to despawning cause they don't survive grabbing them from down there. All these teams should have programs to help the general public with useful information like hazmat suit helmets to prevent drowning. These are all 24 hour teams that take turns being online I suppose. They do duties such as item sorting and doing some building to prevent bad things from happening. like getting rid of lava in nether or something. Builder Team BT builds new stuff like new prisons, new police headquarters and what not.

8) A new way to structure the police? Minister of security is at the top, 3 chiefs of police that have seperate jobs, 1 for discord, 1 for forums and 1 for the server? 24 Senior Police officers, groups of 5 junior police officers for all 24 hours? If the senior officer is absent, then another can take hold or the assistant senior police that is actually a junior police can lead the group. Research Team does not need to be 24 hours available, so 1-2 senior research team will take hold of a group of 5-10 junior research team members. Warrent team just needs a handful of groups as well, to actively look for new drug dens cropping up in the city. Warden team should be 24 though, to make sure no one escapes. with senior and junior wardens.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2016
6) Policing is a way of life in real life, they do recreational activities like playing basketball together, run training in the morning together and do their jobs together. So.. I think senior police and their group of junior officers and also other brigades I will introduce in the future should do recreational activities together to prevent stress from piling over them in spades. The activities they could participate in are.. skywars in other servers together? bedwars? I dunno lol, people like different things so I guess they can do what they wanna. The main thing is stress removal and bonding over things.
Constructive Criticism: The police already do training before they even start being police and they do jail each other to practice jailing. And wouldn't they be wasting time playing around with recreational activities? The senior police and junior police are not together, those are just different ranks to the same job. like doctor and senior doctor. Doing things like skywars and bedwars together is a waste of time, they could be jailing criminals instead. There is no stress from this job, doing it relieves stress in of itself and doesn't even need other officers.

My response: Yes ofcourse they would do training as often as they can, but someone might want to do something else from time to time? If running around and jailing each other is the only form of training then they can't deal with mind tricks and traps properly. Ofcourse most people are smart enough to get out of these criminal traps unscathed but.. if an officer isn't sure of what they will face and wants to train in that regard, I am sure that is where the budget of the police department should be going. By the way, right now the streets maybe empty enough to be doing training there. But in the future (a future with 100s of players hopefully) people would be crossing the street a bunch to go to the university, shop and other places in the area. And what will people who are attracted to cool moves do? they will start doing the cool moves themselves and join the police, and disrupt their privacy. There is already a training area, with plenty of houses and places to hide in all the way in.. the golden oaks world? I am wrong right? Hopefully there is a place to train in the cayman world.
In the words of an employment poster "Fun, off the job keeps him on the job" If someone finds jailing their one friend over and over again, time to do that underwater or in the air? Or they can do it while parkouring? They can decide to do something else entirely. Just like the people of real life and their surfing and what not. The police in mccities can go do what they like in their free time. Doing that keeps the police on the job, that means that it is important and not a waste of time doesn't it? The senior police and junior police can decide not to be together I suppose, they don't Haaave to do everything together if they can handle being Successful alone. Yes ofcourse, they shouldn't keep off their duties as police officers that stop rampaging killers to go play skywars on an entirely different server. But I am sure they have free time right? There is no stress right now, but.. there might be more stress to the job in the future? And some people might find the job right now stressful, who knows lol :D To each their own limits. In real life, people require a police force, but some people don't want to do that, but they have to do it or no one else will. Policing would be quite a stressful job for those individuals.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2016
7) New brigades? That do specific things, like.. what shall we name normal police that go after criminals? AT assault team? That go hunt criminals when they do crimes. Warden Team WT that stay in the prison and moderate. Research Team RT that stays in police station basement to create slimefun and redstone stuff for the police? Manufacture Team MT mass produces multitools, slimeboots, jetpacks. Warrent Team WT2 actively searches plots to find drugs and catalogues plots with drugs for removal and eviction. A force sanctioned (they get paid to) by the police go and grief drug dens in the wild? Is that a good idea or a bad idea.. SWAT that kill people in wild. There is no use for a fire brigade since there aren't any fires. But coast guard? Rescue Team RTs to help people who have lost their items in the deep oceans.. I have seen people loose their items to despawning cause they don't survive grabbing them from down there. All these teams should have programs to help the general public with useful information like hazmat suit helmets to prevent drowning. These are all 24 hour teams that take turns being online I suppose. They do duties such as item sorting and doing some building to prevent bad things from happening. like getting rid of lava in nether or something. Builder Team BT builds new stuff like new prisons, new police headquarters and what not.
Constructive Criticism: We already have a police force that processed bails on the stop, search places for weed and stuff, hunt around for criminals and punishes those who don't follow the law, what more could we need? The amount of officers that are enlisted is enough to stop criminals successfully. And you said that the Assault team hunts criminals after they get away with doing their deeds? What about preventing criminals from ever committing crimes in the first place. How will the server get enough players to do your warden idea? People have lives and are busy! Research team?? There is nothing to research okay? It's all plain and simple, just a game. What will they do? research how to frick a sheep xD? Manufacturing? The police /duty kit can "manufacture" anything you want! There is no need for a warrent team! The normal police are doing that job just fine! No! No griefing by the police! Why are you liking that JazzMade!? The police don't go hunt people in the wild okay!? That is rule breaking and a waste of money and resources to sanction such a barbaric brigade! The research team is obviously going to get tp killed again and again when they teleport to go rescue players.. No "programs to help the general public with information" they already know everything, and there is nothing to teach the guys. Not enough police to do that 24 hour thing and what happens if someone is absent for the day okay? They can't play 1 entire hour and they are not duty bound to their job like in real life. They want to do something else other than go build in the nether okay? And the architects are there to build prisons and stuff, there is no need for a police builder team.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2016
8) A new way to structure the police? Minister of security is at the top, 3 chiefs of police that have seperate jobs, 1 for discord, 1 for forums and 1 for the server? 24 Senior Police officers, groups of 5 junior police officers for all 24 hours? If the senior officer is absent, then another can take hold or the assistant senior police that is actually a junior police can lead the group. Research Team does not need to be 24 hours available, so 1-2 senior research team will take hold of a group of 5-10 junior research team members. Warrent team just needs a handful of groups as well, to actively look for new drug dens cropping up in the city. Warden team should be 24 though, to make sure no one escapes. with senior and junior wardens.
Constructive Criticism: There aren't enough police officers to fill these jobs, and currently we don't need that many cops, the 1-2 that are online are doing a great job at catching criminals. there is no need for 3 required chiefs of police, the minister of security deals with forums things like police guides, discord questions that are directed towards him and he comes online when he can. police chief just means the 3rd rank of criminal catcher after senior police. no need for 24 hour officers, there aren't enough officers to do that plus there isn't anyone online most of the time, hence no criminal activity. peace has been restored so there is no need to keep the peace, no one is in the ghost town so the officers are doing a great job keeping the city safe. There is no need to actively look for drug dens, because officers will just find a few just after 1-2 minutes of looking, and it might be just an innocent person's fern and sugarcane garden. It's alright if a few people escape, it's just a game, police officers want to do other things too instead of making teams with senior officers and wardens. The prison hasn't been built at all so there is no need for wardens. They do not and will never exist.