Denied Teacher app mynamejeff777

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New Member
Aug 5, 2017
What is your rank on the server? Citizen
What is your /ar check time? 7 Days i think
How often can you play on the server? I play on the server everyday, for 3-5 hours
Why do you want to become a teacher?
I want to make students become better people and prepare them for the future.
What do you want to teach? Please include 2-3 topics, in case one of them are already occupied.
Criminology, To stop the young minds becoming criminals, and languages, I can speak 3 languages, French, Spanish and English
What would you do if a student wasn't behaving during class?
I would give the student 3 chances depending on the offense, After 2 I would give the student an exit and make them write an apology note to me, after 3 chances they would be sent to the principals office
Do you agree to be a good role model? As a teacher, you should be responsible and follow the law.
Yes i agree. I am fairly new to the server and have no intentions on breaking the law.
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