Denied ThatOneGuy's Teacher Application

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2017
Never gonna tell, UK
1. ThatOneGuy4205 (in-game nickname is currenty OneSpookyBoi)
2. Either music or Creative writing (I was going to suggest computer science but that can't really be done on McCities)
3. Citizen
4. The 2-strikes-and-you're-out rule. Warning 1: politely tell them to stop. Warning 2: Tell them to stop in a more strict tone and threaten them with the principal's office. 3. Actually send them to the principles office
5. one musical boi#3694
6. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
7. I'm a musician in real life and have been playing a multitude of instruments for around 5 years with focus on electric guitar and bass. Not many people know about the fundamentals of music and I'd like to teach them about it so they can perform better. With regards to art, I could potentially teach things like colour co-ordination and the different styles of art that have been used throughout the decades and give notes on how art continues to develop
8. I always aim to be a good role model to people, both by setting an example for other pupils as well as having the occasional laugh which I feel are important skills for the classroom environment

Thanks for reading my application :D
Josh (ThatOneGuy4205)


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
Thanks for showing interest in applying!

How will you exactly teach music in minecraft.
Computer Science will be fairly hard to teach on mccities since it requires coding and such.

In my opinion creative writing is a good choice,.

could you elaborate more on how you might plan your lesson plan, for the subjects you have chosen.

We will get back to you once a principal or vice principal is chosen.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2017
Never gonna tell, UK
Thanks for showing interest in applying!

How will you exactly teach music in minecraft.
Computer Science will be fairly hard to teach on mccities since it requires coding and such.

In my opinion creative writing is a good choice,.

could you elaborate more on how you might plan your lesson plan, for the subjects you have chosen.

We will get back to you once a principal or vice principal is chosen.
Sorry for the late reply as I've been offline. I've got a couple of ideas which elaborate on the methods used in creative writing, and looking at past literary works and explaining the techniques used and how the pupils could adopt those techniques to write their own short works about a certain theme or topic


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2017
Never gonna tell, UK
Thanks for showing interest in applying!

How will you exactly teach music in minecraft.
Computer Science will be fairly hard to teach on mccities since it requires coding and such.

In my opinion creative writing is a good choice,.

could you elaborate more on how you might plan your lesson plan, for the subjects you have chosen.

We will get back to you once a principal or vice principal is chosen.
Sorry for the late reply as I've been offline. I've got a couple of ideas which elaborate on the methods used in creative writing, and looking at past literary works and explaining the techniques used and how the pupils could adopt those techniques to write their own short works about a certain theme or topic


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
Alright, thanks for elaborating, we will get back to your application once a new principal / vice principal is chosen.


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Jun 19, 2017
A Powerful Universe
Your activity is way too low as well to become a teacher. In the meantime, you can work on improving that.

Application Denied
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