The Tax Reform


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
The tax reform suggestion aims to balance out the earnings of players to the markets average prices. Aside from this it will also allow players to earn incentives for things to benefit the server.

To start plots, should have taxes, taxes would be charge per square block and not by how many plots you have. This allows players who have the money to sustain the amount of plots they can keep. This amount should not be too harsh nor should it be too light the amount should usually or only take effect in the long run when players decide to stop earning cash and keeping a number of properties on them.

Secondly the shop, the shop allows you to buy and sell products tax free, meaning what you sell for is how much you get. We want to expand the player market so that players do not rely on this market. /warp shop would be taxed in how much you sell the product to the shop. For example if I want to sell a Chest full of Diamonds, I would want to take into consideration my other options if there would be a 3 percent cut for every time i sold something so if a diamond would sell for 3600 a stack you would essentially be losing about over a hundred dollars every time you sold a stack to the shop. This would lower player activity on /warp shop itself and redirect customers to sell in player owned shops, yes you would still make a profitable gain from selling to /warp shop but you would be able to increase the amount you earn if you sold to players. This also prevents players from selling unlimited amounts of an item to the shop being unnoticed. Next would be purchasing shops like mcdonalds or /warp shop would have taxes for purchasing items from them, where this may seem to be a good thing, buying directly from players allows a Player Based Market to exist in the system. Where players rely on each other to earn.

Third would be the /as info reselling. People tend to place plots which do not directly correspond to its value that would be purchased on the market. We want a market where properties can be purchased for a fair price and in a clean state. Placing plots on /as info reselling will charge the player 1% of how much it is put on the market, and when the property is sold 2% is taken from the total sell price of the property. For every two weeks a property is on the market another 1% is taken from the player, but if the player has no money then the plot will automatically be taken off. This rule can't be evaded since even if you back out before the 2nd week, you would most definitely need to pay another 1% if you wish to put it back on the market.

Fourth Realtors with over 25 properties will be charged a 10% tax for every new property that is purchased through the plots in /as info forsale. /as info forsale tends to sell plots if not most of the time then usually cheaper than regular prices. Realtors are given a extra 10 slots for properties meaning they can keep this incentive but if they're plots aren't exactly going down or at least from 25 properties and they are buying from a cheap market they will be charged more cash from buying from this.

Fifth the "incentives", we want McCities to grow as a server and get a larger player base, Voting for the server should give these players incentives. If an average month has 30 days, then at max players can vote at 120 times average. Meaning if players can vote for at least 20 days in a month or 2/3 of the days in a month or approximately 80 votes per month they don't get taxed for the plots they have. Yes this may seem rather off but not all players vote and most of these people are those who are inactive or who are "qualified" for the uber rich because they have most of what they need and does not bother them to vote, having this incentives those too vote for the server so that they would not get taxed for their properties. Aside from this players who have a 4 day player time per month are also get a 50% of in taxes. Now yes having more player time does not give the server more players but allows the sustainability of the people to stay and continue playing. Besides having a 4 day player time or 96 hours per month is a lot of time spent in the game. This means that a player would average a 3.2 hours ar time per day which is a lot since some jobs on the server such as police only require a 1 hour player time per day.

Lastly, improvements on the system, the server should focus on fixing regular commands on the server such as the /as info reselling problem where when the "Next Page" button is clicked it types something out in chat, these are a few commands that need to be fixed. Apartments on the server should be of a much higher class/standard so that newer players get a good feel of the server when they start/ Slum Like or ugly apartments should be taken off. One of the few things newbies want when they start is a house, knowing house prices are very high we want to accommodate nice apartments that would still appeal to them making them want to stay. Small Apartments are allowed but they should project a nice vibe still. These are a few things that players regularly use or go through. More importantly if a server does not appeal to someone because of the "First Impressions" it can leave a "Lasting Impression" on them that would make them leave. Small Fixes and Bugs should be fixed as soon as it can so that the server can grow as a whole.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, Feel free to add comments, questions or reactions to how you feel about this. All are appreciated thank you!


The tax reform suggestion aims to balance out the earnings of players to the markets average prices. Aside from this it will also allow players to earn incentives for things to benefit the server.

To start plots, should have taxes, taxes would be charge per square block and not by how many plots you have. This allows players who have the money to sustain the amount of plots they can keep. This amount should not be too harsh nor should it be too light the amount should usually or only take effect in the long run when players decide to stop earning cash and keeping a number of properties on them.

Secondly the shop, the shop allows you to buy and sell products tax free, meaning what you sell for is how much you get. We want to expand the player market so that players do not rely on this market. /warp shop would be taxed in how much you sell the product to the shop. For example if I want to sell a Chest full of Diamonds, I would want to take into consideration my other options if there would be a 3 percent cut for every time i sold something so if a diamond would sell for 3600 a stack you would essentially be losing about over a hundred dollars every time you sold a stack to the shop. This would lower player activity on /warp shop itself and redirect customers to sell in player owned shops, yes you would still make a profitable gain from selling to /warp shop but you would be able to increase the amount you earn if you sold to players. This also prevents players from selling unlimited amounts of an item to the shop being unnoticed. Next would be purchasing shops like mcdonalds or /warp shop would have taxes for purchasing items from them, where this may seem to be a good thing, buying directly from players allows a Player Based Market to exist in the system. Where players rely on each other to earn.

Third would be the /as info reselling. People tend to place plots which do not directly correspond to its value that would be purchased on the market. We want a market where properties can be purchased for a fair price and in a clean state. Placing plots on /as info reselling will charge the player 1% of how much it is put on the market, and when the property is sold 2% is taken from the total sell price of the property. For every two weeks a property is on the market another 1% is taken from the player, but if the player has no money then the plot will automatically be taken off. This rule can't be evaded since even if you back out before the 2nd week, you would most definitely need to pay another 1% if you wish to put it back on the market.

Fourth Realtors with over 25 properties will be charged a 10% tax for every new property that is purchased through the plots in /as info forsale. /as info forsale tends to sell plots if not most of the time then usually cheaper than regular prices. Realtors are given a extra 10 slots for properties meaning they can keep this incentive but if they're plots aren't exactly going down or at least from 25 properties and they are buying from a cheap market they will be charged more cash from buying from this.

Fifth the "incentives", we want McCities to grow as a server and get a larger player base, Voting for the server should give these players incentives. If an average month has 30 days, then at max players can vote at 120 times average. Meaning if players can vote for at least 20 days in a month or 2/3 of the days in a month or approximately 80 votes per month they don't get taxed for the plots they have. Yes this may seem rather off but not all players vote and most of these people are those who are inactive or who are "qualified" for the uber rich because they have most of what they need and does not bother them to vote, having this incentives those too vote for the server so that they would not get taxed for their properties. Aside from this players who have a 4 day player time per month are also get a 50% of in taxes. Now yes having more player time does not give the server more players but allows the sustainability of the people to stay and continue playing. Besides having a 4 day player time or 96 hours per month is a lot of time spent in the game. This means that a player would average a 3.2 hours ar time per day which is a lot since some jobs on the server such as police only require a 1 hour player time per day.

Lastly, improvements on the system, the server should focus on fixing regular commands on the server such as the /as info reselling problem where when the "Next Page" button is clicked it types something out in chat, these are a few commands that need to be fixed. Apartments on the server should be of a much higher class/standard so that newer players get a good feel of the server when they start/ Slum Like or ugly apartments should be taken off. One of the few things newbies want when they start is a house, knowing house prices are very high we want to accommodate nice apartments that would still appeal to them making them want to stay. Small Apartments are allowed but they should project a nice vibe still. These are a few things that players regularly use or go through. More importantly if a server does not appeal to someone because of the "First Impressions" it can leave a "Lasting Impression" on them that would make them leave. Small Fixes and Bugs should be fixed as soon as it can so that the server can grow as a whole.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, Feel free to add comments, questions or reactions to how you feel about this. All are appreciated thank you!
I think the idea of property taxes are a good idea however, a small tax on every plot you buy after the plot limit will just be a way to bypass the property rule which will allow rich players to pay a small tax to keep lots of plots, lowering competition in the market, and making plots more expensive. While the shop tax would be nice we have to take into account there are not many player markets or companies left the on the server that allows players to sell shop items. Unless we add incentives for businesses and companies this will only hurt newer players who rely on the shop to get started. I think the idea of a tax on /as info reselling up to like 1-2 million would be cool. But yeah I agree some nice new taxes and incentives would be good.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
I think the idea of property taxes are a good idea however, a small tax on every plot you buy after the plot limit will just be a way to bypass the property rule which will allow rich players to pay a small tax to keep lots of plots, lowering competition in the market, and making plots more expensive. While the shop tax would be nice we have to take into account there are not many player markets or companies left the on the server that allows players to sell shop items. Unless we add incentives for businesses and companies this will only hurt newer players who rely on the shop to get started. I think the idea of a tax on /as info reselling up to like 1-2 million would be cool. But yeah I agree some nice new taxes and incentives would be good.
Nono the tax doesn’t let you bypass the limit the 25 + is for Realtors typically those who buy from autosale. Meaning these plots usually go for really cheap so if they have 25+ Plots already and buy from auto sale they will be charged an extra payment.

It’s ingrained in us to use /warp shop we are the makers of our own misfortunes players and staff encourage people to buy and sell at /warp shop, this won’t hurt new players if we don’t encourage it in the first place the reason the player market dies is because everyone supports /warp shop. If malls are constantly checked by staff then and is supported by the general player base then a player market will appear. The player markets could even pay more or less than prices on shop depending on supply and demand for example shops like mine and 783583 pay more for diamonds compared to /warp shop. This shows there are incentives to a player market system. Aside from this I mentioned this taxes will only hinder shop by a little because usually if you have a job ex. miner you make a good amount from the job bonus itself to pay off those excess taxes. But still people who start to think strategically and go full on the game will incentives them to Maximize their property. Now shop shouldn’t be dead but we should encourage other alternatives to exist.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2018
I vote against more taxes.
Property Taxes
I don't think that these taxes will affect the rich and wealthy as they have the money to cope with it. However. those who are less well off, for example start up real estate companies who have many plots but little money left or new players who are breaking into the property market with very little, will be disproportionately affected, making the wealth gap bigger as younger players have to work much harder jobs in order to make the same money.
Shop Tax
Furthermore, people aren't always looking to buy materials from the mines - not many people are in constant demand of stacks of lapis or redstone. The selling of these materials to the shop are essential for newer players to be able to begin to make money. Putting more barriers in place discourages newer people from staying on the server with it becoming increasingly hard to break through poverty. This once again would only help the rich, with people selling goods for cheaper prices on a free player market. The supply would be abundant and the majority of buyers would be wealthy citizens.

As Info reselling tax
I just believe this is fundamentally a bad idea. Sometimes people put mansions and things at high prices in order to hear bids. These bidding wars can last months. I believe this is just a ploy by you so that you @Death can force sellers to sell mansions quicker so you can buy them at cheaper prices. Moreover, the demand for houses is not always there. Taxing people who are not as financially well off is a bad idea as people decide not to put things on reselling but to keep them. This could lead to a stagnation in the market with people only doing under the counter deals. Noone will put things up for resale and will have to privately arrange buyers, leading to rip offs of newer and less experienced players.

In summation, Taxes are a bad idea. They disproportionally effect the poor, allowing the rich to further their wealth and make it impossible to move up into a higher socioeconomic bracket


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2017
Considering property taxes and /as resell or /as forsale taxes would affect the rich more than the poor because they buy usually ALL the plots and HOLD them, thryd be taxed the heaviest by far vs the lesser off. Right now they buy, sell, and horde for free. Can you explain your hate to property taxes in more detail? @Monkey


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
I vote against more taxes.
Property Taxes
I don't think that these taxes will affect the rich and wealthy as they have the money to cope with it. However. those who are less well off, for example start up real estate companies who have many plots but little money left or new players who are breaking into the property market with very little, will be disproportionately affected, making the wealth gap bigger as younger players have to work much harder jobs in order to make the same money.
Shop Tax
Furthermore, people aren't always looking to buy materials from the mines - not many people are in constant demand of stacks of lapis or redstone. The selling of these materials to the shop are essential for newer players to be able to begin to make money. Putting more barriers in place discourages newer people from staying on the server with it becoming increasingly hard to break through poverty. This once again would only help the rich, with people selling goods for cheaper prices on a free player market. The supply would be abundant and the majority of buyers would be wealthy citizens.

As Info reselling tax
I just believe this is fundamentally a bad idea. Sometimes people put mansions and things at high prices in order to hear bids. These bidding wars can last months. I believe this is just a ploy by you so that you @Death can force sellers to sell mansions quicker so you can buy them at cheaper prices. Moreover, the demand for houses is not always there. Taxing people who are not as financially well off is a bad idea as people decide not to put things on reselling but to keep them. This could lead to a stagnation in the market with people only doing under the counter deals. Noone will put things up for resale and will have to privately arrange buyers, leading to rip offs of newer and less experienced players.

In summation, Taxes are a bad idea. They disproportionally effect the poor, allowing the rich to further their wealth and make it impossible to move up into a higher socioeconomic bracket
Thank you for your insight Monkey, but I humbly beg to differ.

To your first statement: "I don't think that these taxes will affect the rich and wealthy as they have the money to cope with it. However. those who are less well off, for example start up real estate companies who have many plots but little money left or new players who are breaking into the property market with very little, will be disproportionately affected, making the wealth gap bigger as younger players have to work much harder jobs in order to make the same money."

These do affect the rich and wealthy because a large percent of the rich and wealthy decide to usually go inactive or stop earning once they've reached their prime. So your example is a real estate company who has many plots but little money. Firstly the real estate company is not making the right decisions, why would a real estate company spend majority of their earnings on something that won't make them as good profit. If this was an actual real estate company, they would generally make a good earning and 1-5% will barely affect it unless you're only looking into very small small earnings which are not the best investments. Aside from this the tax will be counted per square block meaning if your plot is bigger you get taxed more. So yes those who are rich will most definitely get affected. Those starting off will barely, since most don't start off at having a 70x70 mansion. Next why would new players break into the property market if they can't sustain their earnings or finances. I don't think it's a matter of jobs that make you wealthy its maximising your time to the most you can earn. Because really if you tell me if a new player joined and examined the best ways to earn cash from jobs such as mining fishing etc... He can make at least 300k before even reaching a 12 hour player time.

"Shop Tax
Furthermore, people aren't always looking to buy materials from the mines - not many people are in constant demand of stacks of lapis or redstone. The selling of these materials to the shop are essential for newer players to be able to begin to make money. Putting more barriers in place discourages newer people from staying on the server with it becoming increasingly hard to break through poverty. This once again would only help the rich, with people selling goods for cheaper prices on a free player market. The supply would be abundant and the majority of buyers would be wealthy citizens."

I used the mining industry as a small example, I did not make taxes in the form of direct cash amount but in percentage so everything is proportionate. If a stack of wheat could earn you 80 then 3% of that would be about 2.4 which is barely anything and you will already likely earn 2.4 from the job bonuses you get. Like I said I am not here to kill shop but incentivising players for a more player based market. I would not see how selling to rich would make prices cheaper. the shop still has its barrier price. For example emeralds a stack of emeralds in shop is 4000 3% of that is 120. That is around 3880 still but if there are markets that would only pay about 3.5k of course you would pick the shop price. But because players have a demand for things prices for purchase could be higher such as people can pay 4050 for a stack of emeralds making newbies earn more. Besides this players have shops and products they can mass produce for example Wood could be sold for cheaper on the player market as compared to shop. These are basic essentials its quite obvious placing your price below the shops will likely not get you any customers. This is not a one sided thing but two Players earn more and Buyers get what they want. Players pay less and Buyer Earns. It's a win win from both side it benefits both parties. Supply is not abundant and if it were its price would likely be lower aside from this thats how money is made you sell a good that you can mass produce even irl thats how things work. You don't make a constant business and sell things at random prices, you sell that one constant thing that people would buy. In other words you feed the demand earning is one part but again its a win win it seems that earnings is something bad I don't see why its bad because that just means players are making good business and others don't like it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
"As Info reselling tax
I just believe this is fundamentally a bad idea. Sometimes people put mansions and things at high prices in order to hear bids. These bidding wars can last months. I believe this is just a ploy by you so that you @Death can force sellers to sell mansions quicker so you can buy them at cheaper prices. Moreover, the demand for houses is not always there. Taxing people who are not as financially well off is a bad idea as people decide not to put things on reselling but to keep them. This could lead to a stagnation in the market with people only doing under the counter deals. Noone will put things up for resale and will have to privately arrange buyers, leading to rip offs of newer and less experienced players."

There is both discord and forums for getting bids /as info reselling is for selling for a definite price. And in Real Estate you try to get the most possible gain I doubt 1% should bother you too much for putting it up on the market even for a whole month it would only cost 2%. If these bidding wars last month then this seller is making a huge income cause lots are interested, and would most likely pay the extra percent every 2 weeks because the earnings are more than the tax. Aside from this you don't need to put the plot in reselling for bidding. And now you're assuming I want this to force sellers to sell mansions quicker? Again bids can last for months you can do it on forums still gains lots of attention. It's like paying that extra mile for more advertisement placing it on /as info reselling is sort of a way to get it to be noticed for more buyers to be intrigued to purchase it. Also Monkey this would not directly benefit me since there are a lot of other people who are also looking for mansions it just so happens you decide to pinpoint me cause I have a number and you asked me several times on your alternate account, and I refused so. Why would you place something in reselling and keep the plot? Thats idiotic, the /as info reselling platform is for selling. They won't get taxed if they don't go around leaving plots on resell and don't want to sell them anyways. This does not lead to stagnation because you still use /as info reselling for the safe proof of the platform and you pay money for having this precaution. The goal here is to eliminate those who flood the market with overpriced plots and plots that are not of a good value. This ultimately makes the plot market more clean of properties sold for decent prices. /as buy is created for a reason, and privately arranged buyers ripping off people can again be court cased. There is a list of rules for a reason and why staff highly advise the use of /as info reselling to sell plots. The tax system is not here to destroy the market but only to remedy the points where it can be fixed. One one would be players keeping plots but not maintaining it, players leaving overly priced plots on reselling despite it not being sold after several weeks and months. Also this tax percent also serves as a sign that your price is too high which is why your property has not been purchased in 2 weeks.

There are tax incentives yet again why this will encourage players to play and vote more to get tax incentives.

I can understand why people would not want this idea but, really this ultimately combats a lot of problems that have been ingrained in the system.

If you have anymore questions or concerns feel free to comment, and thank you hope this gives you a better insight to why I have placed these Tax rules as a suggestion.


I think players should be taxed based on income. Also making people pay to put their properties in reselling will hurt the plot market by taxing just to put something up and no one even buys it. Maybe their can be a tax when someone buys a plot like 1-3% if taken from what they payed you and goes to nibbles account. If players are going to be paying taxes the expect this money to be going to something. For example, taxes irl go to a military, policy, roads, schools, etc. These taxes will go into a black hole. If we would actually do these taxes we could do something like for once we reach 2m in taxes staff would build a new pvp area or after 500k in taxes roads will be expanded.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
I think players should be taxed based on income. Also making people pay to put their properties in reselling will hurt the plot market by taxing just to put something up and no one even buys it. Maybe their can be a tax when someone buys a plot like 1-3% if taken from what they payed you and goes to nibbles account. If players are going to be paying taxes the expect this money to be going to something. For example, taxes irl go to a military, policy, roads, schools, etc. These taxes will go into a black hole. If we would actually do these taxes we could do something like for once we reach 2m in taxes staff would build a new pvp area or after 500k in taxes roads will be expanded.
I dont think it needs to go to nibbles account, but maybe there can be a command for it to check how much in taxes i guess was collected but its a nice system it might be abused to a point tho if some guy buys an immense amount of something just to get 2m in taxes but its a good idea in general. For now it has no real thing its going to but mostly to sort of benefit the server and its players but no real projects will be used for the tax that was taken but ideas could be put in ofcourse


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
I think players should be taxed based on income. Also making people pay to put their properties in reselling will hurt the plot market by taxing just to put something up and no one even buys it. Maybe their can be a tax when someone buys a plot like 1-3% if taken from what they payed you and goes to nibbles account. If players are going to be paying taxes the expect this money to be going to something. For example, taxes irl go to a military, policy, roads, schools, etc. These taxes will go into a black hole. If we would actually do these taxes we could do something like for once we reach 2m in taxes staff would build a new pvp area or after 500k in taxes roads will be expanded.
you saw possibly sundaes suggestion on taxes right? I mean it was mine but still, that tax system accomplishes exactly what you describe here only on a more simple and effective basis.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
you saw possibly sundaes suggestion on taxes right? I mean it was mine but still, that tax system accomplishes exactly what you describe here only on a more simple and effective basis.
I realized the idea of accumalative taxes to be used for something isn’t as good since cause some people can actually force it such as by purposely paying for taxes. For example you want to add 500k into taxes so you sell your home for a high amount to your friend ir something then give it back to youself for the purpose of just adding tax into the system yes you would lose some cash but some people take it lightly especially those would want to rush these perks ex. ( creation fo arena).