The Weekly Piggle


Temp S Minister
Nov 16, 2014
In A Barn Somewhere
Hello, I am jk1119, more commonly know as DaPiggy.
Despite Issue #1 being long gone as we run into Issue #2, I believe now is the time I should discuss what The Weekly Piggle (TWP for short :3) is and what I hope the future will be for it!

What is the Weekly Piggle?:
It is a newspaper that I have created, it does share some elements with ElPollo's newspaper series, however I hope mine lasts a lot longer. :3

My Aims:
To supply a newspaper to every person on the server.
To make those with no access to the forums still be aware of events.
To promote growth to small business.
To make a tidy profit (not all them are positive for you :3).

I also have some questions that I would appreciate any response from!:
1. What day should fresh issues be created (perhaps make like 2 issues a week)?
2. Pricing, each copy costs $102 from /warp shop, how much would you be willing to part with for a copy?
3. Would anyone be interested in a shop to buy older "archived" copies?

The Weekly Piggle HQ is located at plot19 at Co-ords: X: 1270, Y: 77, Z: 855.

Issue #2 is planned to come out on Thursday!
Pre-Order yours today by doing: /mail send jk1119 Hello, I would like a copy
Any donations or AD revenue appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2016
a galaxy far far away
I would be interested in older ones, and I'd pay around 1k for it because of all the hard work you put into it. This sounds really cool by the way! :D