Denied TheGlory135's Teacher Application (New)

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Mar 2, 2017
What is your rank on the server?: My rank is Citizen but would be higher, but everytime I rankup It demotes me.
What is your /ar check time?: 7 Days 14 Hours (I'm on everyday)
How often can you play on the server?: Pretty much everyday (I've gotten on everyday for a month and a 1/2
Why do you want to become a teacher?: I like teaching people new things and helping them with what they are capable of doing to achieve that they want.
What do you want to teach?: I would like to teach anything that has to do with sports because IRL I am very athletic and I think it would be fun. I also like to build so if there is any openings for a building teacher I am a fairly good builder and know. Anything to do with redstone is also good because I am a redstoner.
What would you do if a student wasn't behaving during class?: First I would give them a warning, then another warning and a talk after class, then I will report them to the office.
Do you agree to be a good role model?: I do agree to follow all laws to act my very best and to be a role model for everyone online.
Do you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about teaching?: My only question is that if I get accepted, is there any sports team that we could try to make or anything to coach?
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Active Member
Mar 22, 2017
The Clorox Company
Good luck and u get demoted because as executive+ u need to keep the amount of money needed for that rank in the bank (For executive u need to keep 200k in the bank etc)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2016
Do you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about teaching?: My only question is that if I get accepted, is there any sports team that we could try to make or anything to coach?
U can coach players about /action at the gym period :D Talk about it with grat mod lord izzie when u get accepted :D
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